Love You Enough to Leave You

Love You Enough To Leave You Chapter 288

Chapter 288 Reaching An Agreement

After comforting Amelia, a maid knocked on the door and reported, “Mr. Clinton, Ms. Amelia, Mrs. Clinton wants you to go downstairs for dinner.”

Amelia looked at the door and pursed her lips reluctantly.

Oscar glanced at her before raising his voice to answer. “I’m not well. Bring our meal up.”

The maid grunted in acknowledgment and left to do as told.

Amelia stared at him silently.

Stretching his hand out, Oscar patted her head in a comforting manner and said, “If you don’t wish to head down, we’ll just stay here.”

Amelia’s eyes glistened. He could read me so well.

Oscar’s understanding had moved her. She was afraid she’d lose herself in his love and care. Even after they got a divorce, her memories would be full of him.

She avoided Oscar’s touch and slept on her side. “Oscar, you should head down for dinner. I’m not hungry. I need to take a nap.”

Looking down at his empty palms, Oscar felt extremely disappointed.

“You should eat before that or it won’t be good for you.”

Amelia’s lips twitched before she said, “Oscar, we’re about to get a divorce. Do you think it’s normal for us to act like a loving couple?”

Glancing at her side profile, Oscar said in a domineering but gentle voice, “As long as you’re still my wife, I have the right to do this. Or do you dislike me getting close to you?”

Amelia responded with silence.

Soon, the maid delivered their meal. Under Oscar’s insistence, Amelia finished some meat and soup. After her meal, she felt a little drowsy.

“Go to bed if you’re sleepy,” Oscar said tenderly.

Lying in bed, Amelia felt sleepy, but her mind was rather clear. As she wanted to avoid Oscar’s passionate gaze, she pretended to fall asleep.

She remained still for some time, so Oscar thought she was asleep. He bent down and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead. “Don’t worry. I’m here, so no one can hurt you. We’ll get a divorce, and you’ll get Tony’s custody. I’ll make sure you get everything you want,” he vowed solemnly.

he straightened his

Amelia’s eyes snapped open as tears streamed down

so nice to me. What should I

not long ago in a daze. She looked so happy as she was beaming and leaning on Oscar’s sweetly while he had wrapped his arms around her waist tenderly. His chin was resting on her shoulder. The affection in his gaze was no mistaking. It was obvious that they were a loving couple in this photo. Unfortunately, it was

room, Oscar went to Olivia and said firmly, “Mom, I need

I have nothing else to say. I won’t change my mind. Your divorce has nothing to do with

to talk to you. Let’s go

hesitated for a

the study, she folded her arms

get Tony’s custody only if she

a conflicted look. “Mom, I thought you adore Amelia? You used to remind me

My reaction is because of both your actions. If you hadn’t messed around with Cassie, and if Amelia turn a blind eye to your affair to keep your marriage, would I need to act as the bad cop? You have caused this trouble, but I had to pick up the mess after

disappointed me. Though you didn’t love Amelia back then, at least there was no talk about getting a divorce. Thus, I can close an eye on your affairs

pressed his lips together in a thin line as his

a joke. I wouldn’t want to

initially fuming, stared at him incredulously.

getting a divorce is just part of my plan. I’ve never considered letting Amelia and Tony leave. They

she stared at him as though she had never known him

do you mean?” she repeated as she couldn’t grasp what he

Oscar revealed

hearing his words, Olivia flew into a fit

already thirty years old! Why are you so childish? What do you mean by your marriage is a mistake? No matter why you got married in the first place, you’re already married. After five years, you claim it’s a mistake and decide to pursue Amelia

been upset about my past relationship with Cassie. Someone had set me up to have sex with her. No matter what happened to make me cheat on her physically, our relationship will no longer be the same. Hence, I shall end our

as she gradually stopped

blood clot in her brain could cause her to lose her eyesight at any moment. Do you want

briefly before letting out a

possibility of Amelia not accepting you occur to you?” she asked. Her question hit

across Oscar’s

excuse to ask for a divorce. I don’t know why she insists on filing for a divorce, but I assume it’s related to her eyesight. That was why I acted as the bad cop and used Tony to make her stay. I

stared in the blank without

with me. I think you can’t take risks in love. However, I guess you’re right. There have always been uncertain risk factors in your relationship. Perhaps pursuing her after your divorce will be best for both of you. Well, I shall stay out of this. Just promise me I’ll get to see Tony often after

Oscar could heave

not as magnanimous as you,” he said

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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