Love You Enough to Leave You

Love You Enough To Leave You Chapter 289

Chapter 289 Overthinking

The next day, Olivia and Owen sat on the sofa solemnly after having breakfast. Olivia beckoned Amelia to come over. “Amelia, come over here with Oscar.”

Amelia’s heart jumped to her throat instinctively. However, she went over as instructed, and Oscar trotted behind her. Even the troublemaking Stephanie joined Olivia and sat next to her.

Olivia turned to look at her. “Stephanie, go upstairs. Your dad and I need to talk to Oscar and Amelia in private,” she ordered.

Pouting her lips, Stephanie pleaded, “Mom, I’m part of the family. I want to listen to what you have to say to them!”

Olivia put on a stern expression and repeated sharply, “Just go upstairs.”

Seeing how grim her mother looked, Stephanie dared not kick up a fuss. Olivia and Owen were the only ones who supported her in the family. If she offended them, Oscar would be cruel enough to ignore her and leave her to her own devices.

Stephanie shot Amelia an angry but smug glare. Yesterday’s events made her feel like she had an upper hand. No matter what happen, Amelia was going to go blind soon. Hence, she didn’t see Amelia as a threat, for a blind person couldn’t even live a normal life without getting help. How much trouble could a blind person make?

Feeling contented, she gave Amelia one last mocking glance before hopping all the way upstairs.

Amelia pretended she didn’t see Stephanie’s sarcastic and pompous look and stood before Olivia obediently.

Olivia pointed at the neighboring sofa and said, “Take a seat, both of you.”

With his arms around Amelia, Oscar led her to take their seats on the sofa.

After coughing lightly twice, Olivia announced, “Amelia, I won’t object to your divorce. As Tony is still young, he should remain with his mother. Thus, you can have Tony’s custody. But I have a condition though.”

Amelia gazed at Olivia in surprise. She had no idea Olivia had changed her mind swiftly. Didn’t she threaten us yesterday with her health? Why did she cave in today? What a drastic turn of events!

Before Amelia could reply, Olivia continued, “You can take Tony with you, but you need to send him back to the Clinton residence and let him stay here every Friday to Sunday. Tony needs to spend three days with me every week. If that’s all right with you, you can sign the divorce papers anytime.”

Amelia glanced at her doubtfully. “Mom, you really won’t object to our divorce?” she asked carefully.

“Will my objection make you change your mind? It will only make you detest me and I don’t want that. Get a divorce if you want. You’ve made up your minds, so my efforts are futile. It’s best to leave you on your own. That’s the only way I can have peace,” Olivia uttered calmly.

over it. “Thank you, Mom!” I’m really

apology out loud, for she couldn’t agree to Olivia’s condition. Once the divorce was finalized, she would leave the city and stay in a tiny and

a young age, he would have to grow up without a father. In

live a good life compared to now after

good care of Tony. You

Olivia nodded.

Olivia turned

else in the future, we’ll get Tony back. The eldest grandson of the Clinton family isn’t allowed to enter another

Amelia thought about it and vowed, “Dad, don’t worry. I’ll raise

vow, Owen, Olivia, and Oscar turned to look at her in

Oscar briefly before posing a deliberate question. “Amelia, you’re still young. With your looks, you can

low, Amelia answered, “I can’t forget the five years I spent with this family. I believe the memories I share with

gaze, and the anger in

child alone. I don’t want you to go through that. If you find someone as


me. Even with my good looks, no man will be willing to take care of a woman who

the topic. “When will you sign the divorce papers?” she

stiffened up as her heart

her momentarily before replying, “Tomorrow, I

hands that were resting

of delaying it any further.” Olivia got to her feet and tugged Owen up. “Just settle this matter and sort things out. We’ll

Amelia intently. “Are you sure you

gaze calmly. “Do you want me to marry someone

marry anyone else. You’re mine.” Oscar’s gaze darkened. “But after our divorce,

feel her heart break. She licked

each other. I

jealousy consumed her completely. It blazed so furiously that she could barely hold it in. Unfortunately, she had

to meet his gaze. “What are

to head up

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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