Chapter 473 Inconvenient

At Central Martial Arts League.

In the Moor’s residence.

With grey hair all over his head, Dolly bent over against the desk, with the pen falling on the paper in his hand. He was attentively outlining something.”

On the paper, there was a huge corpse of white bones.

How could it be so huge?

Because the skeleton was lying in the mountains. Its head was like a mountain, its limbs were like long rivers, and its torso was like the surrounding mountains, undulating.

His pen stopped on the left arm of the white bone corpse. The thick ink was applied over and over again, almost infiltrating the paper, and the pattern was imprinted on the desk below.

He felt a breath approaching from outside the study.

Without moving an inch, Dolly just raised his lips slightly and said, “When you have killed Oracle King, kill the people judged by Martial Arts League by the way. Well…”

After a pause, he continued, “if Oracle Palace dares to investigate this matter, then you should wipe it out, lest it gets in the way.”

The man who had just entered the study didn’t respond.

Dolly frowned and finally put down the pen in his hand. He looked at the man in front of him with a serious expression in his eyes.

“Why did you change your body? Haven’t you reached the golden crystal stage?” Dolly asked in confusion.

“Something happened. The previous body has been ruined,” the man replied.


“Who destroyed it? Is there still a warrior at the golden crystal stage hiding beside Oracle King?”

my original body was destroyed


for a moment, Dolly sneered, “I thought it was an ant that can

would be. And those who liked to show up in public were

what Oracle King

fact that he had to set up an adjudication agency to monitor Martial Arts League,

in his heart, “You enjoy the vanity brought by the support of those ordinary people. I don’t care. But you can’t provoke me,

Dolly had thought before, so he sent out his

him such a piece

although Oracle King was in golden crystal

I got an unexpected harvest. I found the

trembled, “The one from Spiritual Fox


The man nodded.

and said, “although she

presence of Oracle King,” the man said,

“Oracle King…”

eyes and gave out a deep light. He sneered and said, “I didn’t expect such an ant


were talking, Chester

shouted coldly, “How dare you! Go out and knock on the door before coming

Dolly didn’t have such a reaction. But Dolly scolded his son harshly.

knocked on the door. After receiving the Dolly’s response, he

“What’s the matter?”

with a straight face.

took a look at the strange man and then said to Dolly with fear, “Father, it’s King of Horizon. King of Horizon came and said that he wanted to see

“Oracle King!”

flashed through Dolly’s eyes. He was about to go to Oracle King. Now Oracle King took

first. I’ll be there soon,” said

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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