Chapter 474 Boyard prison

Dolly’s face darkened as he asked tentatively, “So, your highness, are you going to question me today?”

His heart was filled with killing intent.

However, it was not convenient to fight here since they were in Martial Arts League

John waved his hand and said, Tm not interested in your old grudges. I just want to ask you, is he still alive?”


After a moment of silence, Dolly nodded.

“Where is he?”

Alice asked eagerly.

Hugh was likely to have something to do with her identity, so she looked a little eager.

Dolly observed her and asked, “Who is this girl?”

“You don’t need to know who she is. Just tell us where he is now,” said John coldly.

After thinking for a moment, Dolly said, “Hugh is so powerful that ordinary prison can’t lock him up, so I transferred him to Boyard prison long ago.”

In Boyard prison.

In the most strict prison in the US, all the people who could be imprisoned in this prison were extremely vicious and powerful.

Although John didn’t know much about Boyard prison, he could understand from Dolly’s words that it must be very strict.

“Take us there.”


“Is there any problem?”

“No. But Boyard prison is not in this city. It’s in the sea in the east of the US. It’s a deep sea prison.” Dolly replied.

sea prison?”

you. But we’d better not disturb too many people because Boyard prison has always



Boyard prison. There were some questions that he had to ask Hugh face to face, or he would never get

off right away?” Dolly asked.

John shook his head and said, “Just wait for a moment. I’m going to your dungeon



Chester, John went to the Flaherty family first. He learned

to meet

to persuade Warren. He just wanted to see

it seemed that John

to see Warren, he didn’t ask more.

to the dungeon,” Dolly ordered.

“Yes, father.”

two of them out of

at Alice’s back with his deep eyes, and then sneered, “Since you are both here,

following Oracle King was most likely the girl from Spiritual Fox Clan

she wouldn’t care so much about

their way to

asked Alice, “Do you feel

Alice knew what he was asking. She shook her head

of the Ghost Tribe from

couldn’t help frowning.

Nothing unusual?

wondered, “am I wrong?”

as they arrived at Central Martial Arts League, John asked

she didn’t feel the aura of the Ghost Tribe from Chester, it must be Dolly. However, after seeing him, she still said that there was

It was strange.

most possible suspect that

not be

John was confused.

the two of them were talking about. He asked, “Your

the dungeon!” Said John

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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