Chapter 475 Warren’s secret

Warren had already felt guilty to John. When he heard John call him Grandpa, he was more ashamed.

Over the years, he had never treat John as his grandson.

To make matters worse, he even sent people to kill John. It was so awful.

When he was confessing in the dungeon, every time he thought of the stupid things he had done, he couldn’t help but slap himself hard in the face.

Therefore, Warren didn’t think he deserved to be called Grandpa by John.

John felt sorry for that, but he didn’t know how to make Warren feel better. “I will find Americo

I’ll make him explain it all.” said John.

No matter how cruel a man was, he should never hurt a woman who loved him.

As soon as John knew the truth, he had ordered the intelligence agency to find out all the people named Americo Kurds. Their photos would be sent to Alexandra.

It didn’t work out.

They didn’t find the right one.

But John wouldn’t give up. He had a strong feeling that he would find that man and ask him why he was so cruel in person.

He had a brief chat with Warren.

He turned around and was about to leave.

Then he heard Warren speak.

“Do you know why I hated your father so much, John? I would never let Aviana be with him.” said Warren with a husky voice.

This time, he didn’t say “Your Majesty”. He called John’s name directly.

John stopped.


“I love my daughter so much. If she choose a man, I’ll


was about to speak, but stopped.

you said so, the fact is that you have broken up the couple. If you didn’t do that, my mother might be still

He knew that Warren was

answered the question himself.

your father, suck up a person. At that time, I felt the evil spirit,

No, actually, I’m pretty sure about that. Because I have never felt such evi!

to stay away from him, but she didn’t believe it at all. She thought I had developed an excuse

Except for the one I just mentioned, he seemed normal all the time. He looked decent

me. I only regret that I didn’t

if Aviana continued to be with him, she would definitely come to no good end. It turned out exactly as I thought it

squatted on the ground and burst into bitter

them up on purpose. He just didn’t want to see his daughter slip into the

was all in

result could never be

as Warren had expected, she was killed by

was a sorcerer. When he went crazy, he couldn’t control his emotions at all and would

of the cultivators

as soon as possible, they were destined to pay a heavy


why there was a saying that God will

It was reasonable.

told Aviana that Americo was a sorcerer. She was the only person he told about it. He hoped that she could stay away from Americo.

Aviana didn’t believe

about it, including his another

Alexandra knew the fact, she would surely stop Warren from going on looking for Americo.

afraid of the sorcerers. Warren was just a

her father was determined to find Americo to fight to the death. In the end, her father

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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