Chapter 34 It was an inconceivable mental image.

“Be alert and don’t expose our identities to Serenity. Son, say that you don’t have pensions . You grow vegetables and flowers for a living.

“Get your stories straight . Zack will go after you if you blow your cover. Don’t come crying to me then.”

Seeing the fun in her grandson’s plans, Nana was committed to helping Zack stay in character.

Nana had no doubt that Serenity was a good kid and not driven by greed. At her age, Nana was a good judge of character.

“Got it,” everybody answered. They had met Serenity before as the latter saved Nana’s life. As Nana’s sons and daughters-in-law, they were nothing but thankful toward Serenity.

Zachary’s mom mostly kept to herself as she was not in favor of Grandma May nagging her son into marriage. Nevertheless, her resistance was futile as Nana managed to sell her proud son the idea.

Sure, Zachary’s mom was grateful that Serenity saved Nana. The whole family had expressed their thanks to Serenity and tried to repay her kindness, to which

surprise, Nana saw something in Serenity and believed

the couple and got what she

good thing Zachary only went as far as signing the papers. He wanted to observe Serenity for a while to confirm Nana’s

not a match in every single


couple drew

greet Nana’s sons and daughters -in law. Although Serenity had met them before, it was

had the pleasure of meeting them. Still, Serenity could guess that they were Zachary’s brothers and

call Tania and Liam,


Nana gleefully told Serenity.

was Tania

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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