Chapter 346 Can’t You Recognize My Voice

In an instant, everyone’s attention was drawn to Cherise.

Cherise pursed her lips and immediately stood up to go change backstage.

The stage darkened.

Gwenn and Kareen exchanged glances and smiled.

Almost everyone was waiting for Cherise to embarrass herself.

Because no one could outperform Gwenn’s dance!

She was essentially setting herself up for failure!

The stage lights gradually illuminated.

A person in a thick and heavy mascot outfit appeared on stage.

The mascot was a gigantic pink rabbit. It had a bowknot on its chest and dazzling crystal hair ornaments on its head.

When all the lights were on, the audience offstage burst into laughter.

Is this what Cherise is wearing for her performance?

Can this really be a performance outfit?!

dance in such a heavy and bulky mascot costume?

to make others

face. Who knows

about to ask

off the mascot head after her dance.”

Cherise won’t get away with it!”

“That makes sense. Even if it’s not Cherise,

to dance in such a thick



was a popular song that was easy

started dancing gracefully as the music played. Cherise

a pink rabbit perform such a dance


Tanner was the first to laugh. “How creative. Well

nodded. “Wearing such a mascot costume must be tiring. It seems like she put

audience offstage laughed one

mascot costume, Cherise saw Damien give her a thumbs-up from

more effort into her

Cherise was drenched in sweat

offstage was also

a lively atmosphere

“Thank you, everyone.”


mascot costume, Cherise spoke while panting heavily. “I’ll be

“Hold on!”

microphone. “Can the person on stage

we know if it’s a man or a woman inside? How will we know

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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