Chapter 345 Embarrass Me As You Like

Cherise was astonished. “Is this a… small stage?”

It was clearly larger than the theater at her school!

Her school’s orientation stage couldn’t compare to this one!

Cherise felt terrified at the thought of dancing in front of so many people on such a grand


Damien held her hand. “Are

you afraid?”

Cherise nodded. “It’s my first time…”

As she spoke, she looked up at Damien with worry. “Will I

embarrass you?”

Damien held her hand and gently kissed her forehead. “Embarrass me as much as you want. I’m not afraid.”

Cherise’s chest tightened silently.

She pursed her lips. “Honey… Am I very inadequate…”

felt particularly worthless as she looked at the women changing into their performance outfits one by one. Like her and Damien, they were the female companions of the

with Lucy back then? Then, I would have an extra skill and wouldn’t feel so… humiliated after lying.”

seemed like everyone was

girl sighed, feeling

the bridge of her nose. “Actually, you’re great at

you practicing in the room today.

Kareen started

to Kareen on

Damien chuckled. “Yes.”


her lips. “You’re lying.”

“I’m not.”

check. “To

finished her dance, a few other women

another did the Samba, and one even played the violin!

nervous that her body was

These people are all

basically an amateur compared to them…

no skills or

it was Gwenn’s turn.

The stage darkened.

smoke and lights, Gwenn wore a vintage outfit and gracefully waved her sleeves


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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