Chapter 344 Do You Have A Foot Fetish?

Cherise was speechless.

Dr. Bakewell was not someone to be messed with.

He was just as stern and cold as her professors in school.

Such a person would never show mercy.

She took a deep breath and thought about the person responsible for the situation, Lucy.

“What does this have to do with me?”

On the other end of the phone, Lucy cried out in anguish. “Can’t you understand how I feel after eating ten chicken legs?”

“Don’t always blame me for things like this, okay?!”

Cherise pursed her lips. “But if I don’t find you… I don’t know what to do…”

Lucy sighed on the other end of the phone. “Actually, dancing…”

She furrowed her brow and pondered. “I’ve got it!”

the dance I taught you

practice the dance until you knew it by heart? Perform that

furrowed her brow.

you can!”



wearing the rabbit slippers at dinner on the second night.


silently rolled her eyes. “Although you’re no longer wearing slippers, it’s hard to think these

kept looking at Cherise leaning against Damien. “I say, Kareen. In the past, you used to judge people


Now, you’re fixated on the shoes they wear…

know what kind of magic potion the country. bumpkin fed you. Why do you keep defending

He didn’t say anything.

intentionally. “Grandpa, do you remember that your dear Cherise said she wanted to dance for you

she held

wouldn’t get away

his beard. “I do recall something

Mrs. Lenoir yesterday. After reflecting on my actions, I want to

a small stage to be set up in

Cherise was speechless.

burst into laughter. “You’re so considerate,

remember you’re also a talented dancer, right,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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