Chapter 325 None of Them Last

Damien rubbed her head and said affectionately, “If you enjoy traveling, I can take you more often in the future.”

Cherise’s eyes sparkled. “Really?”


The feeling of being on a plane was pretty good, she thought.

But that notion quickly dissipated when the plane began its ascent.

So… So scary!

It felt like her heart and lungs had switched places!

She kept reminding herself. Cherise, you’re top of your class. You understand the physics of a plane. You know the odds of an accident are absurdly low. You shouldn’t be afraid.

But she could not help it!

Finally, heart pounding, Cherise threw herself into Damien’s arms. Whimpering, she cried to him, “I am terrified!”

Damien could not help but chuckle at her pitiful look. “In that case, do we still go on these trips in the future?”

reddened eyes, she responded, “Yes!”

both Damien and Mr. Hampson


snuggled into Damien’s embrace and silently drifted off to

face even after she had fallen

out to

Silly girl.

was only awakened by Damien

they were greeted


of the foreign air; there was something different about the air here to what Adania had to offer. She

vehicle was already waiting outside

woman with long, jet-black hair, wearing a strappy dress that boldly displayed her cleavage, approached

“Mr. Lenoir.”

hands enthusiastically, intending to hug Damien, but he blocked her with

voice was cold yet polite as he introduced Cherise. “This is my wife.”


of mockery. “Mr. Lenoir, you like them

fell, but she remained silent.

responded with a faint smile. “At least don’t

but she still managed a polite smile. “Let me introduce myself,

hand. “Welcome to my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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