Chapter 324 First Flight

“Madam, wasn’t your trip to Europe meant to be a getaway? Why then…”

Why bring textbooks?

Homework, perhaps?

Cherise chuckled sheepishly, “The finals are approaching… I need to prepare for it…”

Moved, Frances quietly unpacked the books. “Madam, you are truly a hard worker…”

Head bowed, engrossed in her phone, Cherise silently nodded.

On the screen, a list was sent from Lucy.

“I want postcards from Europe!”

“Designer clothes from France!”

“British comestics!”

“And… Perfumes!”

Overwhelmed, Cherise retorted, “Sis, you never wear perfumes.”


Lucy, but

don’t care, I want it!

forget everything else

“Alright, I’ll

of the list and

was left with

get them.”


hands, Cherise

sight of his wife giggling like a silly kid over


at the phone, and

Cherise stuck out her tongue. “Anyway, I have no clue

here for years; surely he knows better.”

smiled faintly.

the phone and showed her the chat.

sent him

a favor

Cherise was speechless.

phone and replied in a voice message. “Lennon Belcourt,

innocent voice. “I’ve never courted a girl, and I

“Neither has my husband!

“He knows…”

pitiful Lennon retorted. “He recently did a huge shopping for a woman…”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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