Chapter 296 She Bets He Does Not Know

The pathetic look on Aubree’s face faded the moment she came out of the Farwell residence. Her expression was bitter and spiteful as she got into the car.

Noticing her change in expression, Charles chose his words wisely. “Where to, Ms. Pearson?”

Aubree glanced at him coldly from the rearview mirror. “The office.”

Just as Charles was about to pull off, Aubree grunted in annoyance. “You know what? Just go home!”

She was not in the mood to deal with the bunch of irritating people at the company.

Aubree had come to Sonya hoping Sonya would talk to Lucian immediately just as she always did whenever Aubree shed a few tears. Yet Aubree’s trip proved to be fruitless when Sonya simply said she would discuss the matter with Lucian only when he had blown off some steam.

time Lucian cooled down,

That can never happen!

burned in Aubree’s

Lucian and Essie can think about is you! I don’t care if Essie wants to stay with you, but

years ago. Back then, Lucian would give Roxanne the cold shoulder because of her, but things

happened over the

in a bout of anger, Gina called, and Aubree picked up with

go? Did you talk to Mrs. Farwell?” Gina

her, but it didn’t make any difference. I’d rather

what are you thinking of doing? It seems to me that Lucian has his mind fixed on marrying that woman. I don’t think there’s anything we


Farwell Group. We’re nothing but a small grasshopper compared to them. I don’t have

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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