Chapter 297 One Good Thing After Another

Unbeknownst to Roxanne, Aubree had begun to plot against her. She was too occupied with the research she had to do.

Her busyness was not entirely an excuse to send Estella home.

If the children had not insisted that she took a day off because of her injured wrist, she would not have taken a break from her research work.

Early the next morning, Roxanne was awakened by a call from her teammate. After a brief conversation, she rushed over to the research institute without even having the time to have a bite of breakfast.

The beginning and end phases of a research project were usually the hardest parts. At the start of the project, Roxanne had dedicated so much time to it that she would spend days at the research facility.

Since they were then at the final stage of the project, things were picking up again.

Colby, who was still assisting Roxanne on the project, was alarmed when he saw the injury on her wrist while they were conducting an experiment. “Dr. Jarvis… Your hand…”

not until she trailed Colby’s gaze that she was reminded of it, and she smiled faintly, saying, “It’s no big deal. It’s just a scratch

was relieved to hear that it was not anything major. But still, he took over most parts of the experiment that he thought would be too physically demanding for

was good, and they went on to carry out experiments for almost a week

lab was boisterous, and Roxanne was unequivocally glad that they got the results

abroad, most of the projects she participated in were under her professor. She

the first ever research that

inquired with a big smile as he walked toward her

the wariness in Roxanne’s eyes when she heard the question elicited

to a celebratory meal if the experiment goes well. Everyone is waiting for

face. “Ah, all right. I’m sorry. I forgot about it. Tell everyone to meet at The Waterfront at

and went back into the research facility

he entered, a burst

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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