Mr Carlos Huo, She's Your Wife

Chapter 1468 Extra Story About Colman (Part One)

Colman, Matthew and Erica's third son, was more like Sheffield than anyone else—a complete and total womanizer. He took to those behaviors as if born to them. And he was better than Sheffield in the romance department. Beautiful women had flocked to him since he was a teen.

Erica cautioned him about his love-em-and-leave-em lifestyle. Every girl was the apple of her parents' eye, after all.

Colman felt wronged. Was it his fault girls liked him a lot? And one thing usually led to another. Was he responsible for that too?

When he was three, he once declared that he would marry one hundred wives. He had a rich romantic history. Since he got his first girlfriend at age fifteen, he had never been single for even one day.

Even so, there were a lot of girls lining up to be his girlfriend. They didn't care he was a playboy.

Matthew had tried all kinds of things to curb his appetites, but nothing seemed to work. But it was not like Colman did anything out of the ordinary. He hung out with friends, he didn't do anything illegal. All he did was date girls. So after Colman grew up, Matthew stopped trying. He was who he was.

Colman had a good friend called Leon Feng. He was also from a rich family. The two of them had known each other since primary school.

They used to chase girls, fight, drink, and race together. They were as thick as thieves. Wherever Colman was, Leon Feng was there too.

After skipping two grades as Colman did, Leon Feng found he really couldn't keep up with his friend, so he gave it up. He decided to leave that to Colman, and started studying hard to make up for his less-than-stellar academic record.

When Leon Feng had just entered college, Colman had been admitted to the most advanced university. But he never gave up womanizing. He drove all kinds of different luxury cars, still flirting with girls.

One day, Colman suddenly heard Leon Feng had a girlfriend. Leon Feng was something of a playboy too. So having a girl on his arm was not unusual. What was unusual was she'd been with him for two months and they hadn't broken up yet. Colman thought they might be serious.

Upon hearing this, Colman was interested in what kind of girl could hold Leon Feng's attention longer than two months. Normally, Leon Feng and Colman changed girlfriends like a man might change his outfit—frequently.

After Colman broke up with his ninety-ninth girlfriend, Leon Feng arranged a formal meeting between his good friend and his girlfriend. "Hey, Colman, this is my girlfriend, Amber Zhen. Amber, this is my best friend, Colman Huo."

One arm crossed over his chest, Colman rested his thumb and index finger on his chin and looked Amber Zhen up and down. He did that a lot, to the point where it made her uncomfortable.

The girl was cute and petite.

full, red lips. Her black

trousers, a little pink backpack

and quirky all

"Hi, Colman, nice to meet

what had been missing from his endless string of girlfriends. He'd never dated a woman like this. If she became his girlfriend, wouldn't he have a richer romantic

Colman smiled and shook hands with her. He figured he'd flatter her like a gentleman. "I'm in the presence of a

said, "Thank you. You're not

chuckled. "Let's have a seat. Order whatever you want, Amber. Meals are on

nodded his head. "Oh yeah, it's my treat. Order anything you

you, Colman!" She was a foodie and wasn't going to turn down free food. Before long, the table

the first meeting between Amber Zhen and Colman. He made good impression on her. He was handsome, genteel and

was served, Leon Feng excused himself and made

gloves, Colman chatted with Amber Zhen while peeling shrimp. He piled all of the shrimp on her plate

shrimp. You can eat them, though. Besides, I should be helping

good to you. Get used to it." The more she thought about it, the weirder she felt. Something wasn't quite right, but she couldn't

dropped Amber off at

young she was. Amber Zhen was still in high school. No wonder

Feng, making the man nervous. "If you have something

said hesitantly, "Dude, I don't know

it?" It sounded serious. Something told Leon

it to Leon Feng. "Someone else snapped this pic. He showed me and I paid him so he'd give it to me. I think she's cheating on you, man. I'm sorry." After saying that, he patted Leon Feng on his shoulder and said, "Don't get upset. This can't be what it looks

Amber was sitting next

looked quite comfortable with

rage. He slapped the photo on the table and shouted, "Damn it! That asshole

to confront the boy. He had violence on his mind, and was going to teach this boy a lesson. They ran into Amber Zhen first. Holding back his temper, he took

at the photo and answered, "Just my classmate. Where'd you get

I don't want you doing that again, get it?" he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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