Mr Carlos Huo, She's Your Wife

Chapter 30 The Present

Julie didn't understand what Carlos meant at first. But soon, she remembered what had happened in the kitchen the day before. 'Did Debbie really take the meal to Mr. Huo's office? Why is he asking about the dinner? Was he displeased by it?' she wondered pensively.

Afraid of the possibility that Carlos was angry at Debbie, Julie replied at once, "Mr. Huo, to make sure that the dishes tasted good, Debbie cooked every dish several times. She even suffered a few minor burns because of the hot, boiling oil."

Julie felt that even though the dishes tasted awful, Debbie had worked hard on them; it was her good intentions that counted.

'Got burnt? Was her apology sincere?' The anger in his eyes disappeared as soon as he heard Julie's words.

"Noted." Carlos nodded and started eating his breakfast.

The stress marks on his face softened. Julie breathed out a sigh of relief and headed back to the kitchen.

After lunch, Debbie got dressed and left the villa.

Debbie, Kasie, and Kristina wandered around to pick out a present for Carlos. They walked out of Dubhe Building and went straight to Merak Building, arm in arm.

"Tomboy, what exactly do you have in mind?" They had been to a few shops for fashionable men's wear, trendy shoes, and expensive watches, but nothing piqued Debbie's interest. If she kept wandering around, refusing to buy anything, Kristina would start suspecting that Debbie was wandering around for hot guys instead of a present.

In fact, the real problem was money. Debbie had been saving up, but her savings were far from enough to afford a decent present for Carlos. "Let's look a little longer," she said.

Kasie leaned on Kristina listlessly, rolling her eyes. "Debbie, my sweet, sweet Debbie, we have been wandering around for two hours now and you haven't bought anything." All the while, she and Kristina, on the other hand, carried a couple of bags each. Some were clothes, but the rest were mostly cosmetics.

"He is so rich, he doesn't need anything. What am I supposed to buy him?" Debbie was in a dilemma.

she was shopping for a present for a friend, but they

Debbie answered.

"Since it's not his birthday, why do you suddenly want to

She was too embarrassed to tell them that the present was for Carlos and it was an apologetic present for offending him earlier. "Spit

off her and she felt much happier because of it. "Debbie,

considered it for a moment and replied, "That sounds about right. I know what I should

to her friends and started walking back.


farther and farther away, Kasie lowered her head with disappointment. Although she was very tired, she quickened her pace and followed them since she didn't want to

earlier, the contents of which had caught her attention. Before

warmly as soon as the customers stepped

her and pointed at the embroidered box in the showcase. "I'd like to

a brooch and a collar pin inside this box. Both are made of sapphire. Miss, are you looking

word 'sapphire', Debbie's eyes went straight towards the price tag. One hundred

just less than

finally pressed her lips and made up her mind. However, just as she was looking around to search for the shop assistant, she heard a familiar voice from

to walk towards the cashier's desk with the embroidered box in her hand. Much to her surprise, the shop assistant stopped

lady has already agreed to purchase this," she

same thing as me? Since when does she have such good taste?' Debbie mused,

the embroidered box in Debbie's hand. Having just realized what had happened, she sneered and said, "Debbie, luck is not on your side today. I saw that box first." In truth, Gail had

Kristina arrived at the scene. As soon as they saw Debbie, they started

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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