Mr Carlos Huo, She's Your Wife

Chapter 12 The Whole World Knows

It was 9 o'clock in the morning and Debbie was sound asleep in the multimedia classroom. Little did she know that a lot of students had piled outside the classroom in the doorway. Soon, she began to stir awake due to the clamor of the crowd.

With her head still lying on the desk, her eyes slowly opened, and the students came into her view. They were pointing at her, with disdain written all over their faces. It took the oblivious young lady a few seconds to clear her mind, before she finally comprehended what they were whispering from afar.

"Is she Debbie Nian? Shame on her!"

"She made an ass of our university, that one! She's just a tomboy. How dare she try to seduce Mr. Huo!"

"Exactly! She brought shame to our university! How can she just sleep after what she's done?!"


All the gossiping was interrupted by a loud thud. When they followed the direction of the sound, they saw Jared standing up and shooting them a fierce glare. The crowd scattered away in a panic.

As much as they disliked Debbie, after the rumor got out, no one dared to play with fire by pissing off Jared. Everyone knew that the guy came from a wealthy family, and was with a bad temper to boot. No one would wish to be on the receiving end of Jared's wrath.

Except for, well, two boys who stayed by the door. As they seemed to originate from affluent families themselves, Jared's outburst had very little effect on them. With an unattractive sneer, one of them named Benton Shao spoke to Debbie in a loud voice. "I heard you love Mr. Huo! Is that true or what?"

Sitting upright in her seat, Debbie got up so fast that she experienced some mild vertigo. 'What? Whom do I love? Mr. Huo?' she thought, clearly confused with the situation. From a look of bewilderment, Debbie's facial expression turned dark. A crease formed between her eyebrows as she finally realized the boy's allegation. Taking a deep breath, she put on her best menacing look.

"Says who?" she asked, and rolled her eyes at them. 'I swear if I find out who it is, ' she thought indignantly, 'I will beat the shit out of that guy!' Strangely enough, her question only threw the two boys into a fit of laughter. "What's so damn funny?" she demanded.

"Hahaha! Don't you know?" the fat one named Erick Zhang asked, sharing a look with his companion. "You're famous now! The whole world knows that you love Mr. Huo!"

"That's right!" said Benton Shao with a buzz cut, nodding as he smirked at her. "The whole world heard you when you shouted, 'Carlos Huo, I love you!' in the grove!" And as Benton Shao attempted to mimic her, his voice turned shrill and whiny. It was nothing like how Debbie truly sounded, but then again, his intentions were clearly less about re-enacting in a realistic way and more about taunting her.

Dumbfounded, Debbie was at a loss for words. While it was true that she had yelled those words in the grove, there was no one else there who could have heard her. So why, all of a sudden, did everyone know about that? 'No! Wait a minute, ' she thought, still seated as she racked her mind for any clues or ideas.

a man behind the tree... Curtis! Curtis was there.

be him, ' she considered, glaring with pursed lips as the

laughing, Debbie shoved her table in outrage. The legs of the desk made a shrieking

unruly manner. Once or twice, they had heard in the past that Debbie was not someone

When Benton Shao got close, he picked up Debbie's book from the desk that

Debbie's classmates quickly fled the area. For

was because they saw the look on Debbie's face: she was about to teach them a very hard lesson. 'Damn it! Are they idiots? How dare they provoke Tomboy! We'd better run away as soon as

a minute, the classroom cleared out like there was a zombie outbreak, leaving the

the two boys with a sweet smile. The two boys widened their eyes. One smile from her disarmed them completely, and they almost forgot why they were there in the first place. They thought she looked so

the young lady suddenly bent over to get the book on the floor, and smashed it against the face

finish his sentence, a fist came in contact with his face. There was no doubt that the punch was going to leave

the two boys incredulously. "Are you guys idiots? What's gotten into your small brains that you're provoking our Debbie? You are courting death, I'm telling you," he

Erick Zhang. "Ouch!" he cried in

threatened, and took out his phone with his shaking hands. After dialing a number, he put the phone against his ear. "Bro, I'm

kids did not care about the school regulations one bit. All they wanted was

seat, she reclaimed the same position that she had been

outright disregard for their attempt to intimidate her only enraged

her shoulder and said, "Hey, don't sleep just yet. Let's beat these two first." Recently, he had been hanging around Debbie more often, and as a result, he had been getting into fewer fights with others. It did not occur to him until then

up, and with a lazy stretch, she kicked the chair towards Benton Shao who was the

in pain, Jared failed to hide the amusement in his eyes. It did not even require a lot of effort to take care of the entitled brat. As it was, the boy already appeared to have lost before the fight even began. He bent

and he wanted to teach the girl a lesson. While standing beside Kasie, Dixon and Kristina cast a scornful glance at Erick Zhang. Was he really going to attack Kasie when it was three against one? "Boy, come here. Let me teach you how to fight!" Kristina said as she tied up her long curly hair

in the classroom. The two boys could not help but shiver as there were five of them, and their

of them, however, Dixon was a straight-A student who did not like to handle things with a pair of fists. So as per usual, he stood by the door

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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