Mr Carlos Huo, She's Your Wife

Chapter 3 The Hard-Headed Professor

"Debbie! Debbie!" a light voice kept calling out to Debbie as she was dozing off. Refusing to wake up, Debbie felt a constant tug at her sleeve. The more she ignored it, the stronger the voice and the tugging went. This got Debbie to give up and she finally woke up.

Though it was clear that she was still half asleep, Debbie groggily turned her head towards Kristina. "Kristina… you better have a good reason for waking me up…"

What Debbie saw as Kristina's response was a finger pointing somewhere. Debbie's eyes followed where Kristina pointed and she saw an absolutely exasperated Marc on stage.

Just witnessing Marc's protracted face was similar to being splashed on the face with ice cold water in Debbie's opinion. 'Oh, crap!' Scrambling to get herself back together, Debbie shook her head violently and then sat upright.

Marc, who was the professor that stood in front, was considered to be one of the remarkably hard-headed professors in their university. Taking the subject book out from her bag, Debbie then opened the book at the proper page and sent an icy glare to whoever dared laugh.

Almost immediately, Debbie's classmates turned their attentions back to the front, feigning that they didn't realize what was happening. Once the situation was sorted out, their professor Marc had returned to teaching.

'Oh God, he looks so angry…' Debbie buried her hands through her hair in regret. 'I'm definitely going to fail his exams…'

No one in the room attempted to taunt Debbie. Everyone in the room as well as the whole university knew that Debbie possessed a cryptic background.

Besides, Debbie was still a rowdy student as she constantly clashed with others, doused herself in alcohol, and cut classes. In short, she had done things that were deemed unacceptable by the university.

Within Y City University, it was stated in the student handbook that students were neither allowed to dye their hair of any color, paint their nails, nor wear extravagant jewelry to the campus.

However, Debbie didn't care as she possessed long lilac dyed hair and bright red nails. The professors in the university were too terrified to tell her off about it.

It was surprising that Debbie hadn't found herself expelled from the university. The reason for that was that she came from a family with power.

"Debbie Nian," Marc called out coldly,"please explain to me what finance is." The professor knew well of Debbie's background. Someone with the name of Emmett Zhong, who was Carlos' assistant, had something to do with Marc's assignment in the university. Even Carlos himself was a former student of Marc's. As a responsible teacher, Marc knew that he had to intervene as he wouldn't allow his students, Debbie in particular, to submit to her vices.

sent a kick to the seat in front of her. Seated across her was none other than the class monitor and

he quickly flipped the pages of the book to where the answer was written and slid it to his

Debbie's profile as the book was made visible to her eyes. Many stole glances towards Debbie and all could agree that she looked stunning.

skin, a pair of round,

bare and free of make up, her profile still remained ethereal. Not to mention, her pair of long, slender legs were a treat for all boys to see.

academic performance were better, she would perfectly

let's see here…' Debbie stood up and blinked as she began to read from Dixon Shu's book. "Finance is

right through Debbie's trick, this got him outraged. "Enough!" Marc's voice thundered across

their professor was desperately

and glued to their seats, all except for Debbie who flashed Marc a smile and asked,"Professor

but regret whatever she did and started to beg for forgiveness. "Professor Dou, please don't get mad at me. I'll memorize the answer by

leave Marc's profile as he calmed down upon hearing Debbie's words. In Marc's opinion, Debbie was a clever girl. If she just put her mind into studying, she could very well be an intelligent, straight A student. But, as a

three of them will go stand under the

Debbie commits mistakes…' they all thought in

others for

a burning glare towards their professor Marc, Debbie cursed in

see me doze off in your class ever again." Sitting herself back down in her seat, Debbie then picked up her pen and

his final words before collecting his things

were officially dismissed.

Marc left, several boys and girls gathered around Debbie and started to state

of frustration was written all over Jared's face. 'Why the heck did he choose to deal with us instead of Debbie?

students blessed with height and considered to be the tallest in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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