Mr Carlos Huo, She's Your Wife

Chapter 210 Have Something To Do With Debbie

Hayden had been talking about work with his assistant the whole way. He hadn't intended to interrupt Debbie either. He respected her space, and sometimes it was just enough for him to catch a glimpse of her. They were downtown before he finally took the initiative to talk to her. But this time, he had a pretty important question to ask.

"Where's your house?"

Debbie hesitated at the question. 'Should I go back to the manor? Carlos and Megan are probably there already.' Not in the mood to see Megan, she replied, "Please drive me to East City Villa."

Hayden raised his eyebrows. "Oh, what a coincidence! I have a house there too," he said to Debbie. He turned to his assistant. "Alfred, I'll stay in East City Villa tonight. Have someone ready the house for me," he instructed.

"Yes, Mr. Gu."

Debbie's breath caught in her throat. If she had known he had a house there too, she wouldn't have rattled off that destination.

Even so, they remained silent again all the way to East City Villa. She didn't feel much like talking, and she was hoping Carlos wouldn't figure out where she was right now, or that she'd caught a ride with Hayden.

A few moments later, the Porsche pulled up in front of Debbie's previous villa. Hayden personally helped her remove her luggage from the trunk.

Debbie reached out her hands for the luggage while saying, "Thank you for the ride, Mr. Gu. Goodbye!"

Instead of handing the luggage to her, Hayden suggested, "I figured out what you could do to repay me for the ticket. You used to make the most wonderful egg tarts. I haven't had any in a long time. How about you make some for me now? Then we go our separate ways, and you owe me nothing. What do you think?"

Frankly, this was rather a far-fetched excuse. He knew it, and so did Debbie. It was just an excuse to spend more time with her. And she didn't want to do that. She wanted to talk to her friends, and be alone with her thoughts. Hayden was a constant—and dangerous—distraction.

Of course Debbie turned him down and refused bluntly, "If I recall correctly, you don't like egg tarts, do you? On top of that, I don't know how to make egg tarts. I think I'd better buy you a meal some other time."

The truth was, she could make egg tarts if all the ingredients were ready-made. There were pre-made egg custard, pastries and tart tins sold in the supermarket. She just needed to fill the tart tins with the egg custard and put them into an oven to bake for a while. But she didn't feel like doing that now. She didn't have the energy to do much at all.

Back when she and Hayden were dating, she had once made egg tarts for him. But he'd just looked at the egg tarts with contempt in his eyes without taking a bite.

what we had. I've been regretting ever since. Please, I'm not asking much now. And

a long face, annoyed. "I don't have any ingredients

immediately turned to his assistant and instructed, "Go to a nearby supermarket and buy a full set of egg tart

"Yes, Mr. Gu."

a loss for words. Hayden was becoming bolder and more annoying now. He had always done something that made her hard to turn him down. Now he was not only buying all the

of the villa and allowed him in. Julie and the other housemaids were still on a vacation for the Spring Festival and hadn't come

into the living room. In an angry voice, she warned, "Just sit there and wait. Don't speak to me. Or else I'll spread your nose across

cute when

room, Debbie lugged the bags upstairs to her bedroom first. He had wanted to help

to allow him to enter the villa. That was enough for her. By rights, she should have sent him home. But there was always a small part of her that wanted to care for the smallest parts of his soul. He was like a lost child now, and seemed as pitiful as anything else. However, letting him help her with the bags would mean letting

his assistant had bought all the needed items for making egg tarts. Looking at the

husband had done a few days ago. That night, Carlos cooked noodles for Megan, and now, she was going to make desserts for Hayden. She smiled bitterly.

think I'm deliberately

to wash the tools. Then, she clumsily

Debbie wouldn't be a good housewife. Now, she had poured too much egg custard into some of the tart tins and it spilled out. And then again, her elbow accidentally swept

come into the kitchen. He asked with worry, "Need

nodded and said, "Yeah. Help

opened the box and took out the new oven. Quickly glancing over the

put all the unbaked egg tarts on a tray. Steadying the tray in her hands, she carefully moved it to the oven. When she drew back her hands, her bare left hand accidentally touched the hot oven grilling pan. With no oven mitt, she was definitely

and stepped back.

her and

after getting off his private plane. He had just sat down in his seat when Tristan called him and reported to him that Debbie was

up, he immediately called Emmett in, his face darkened. "Besides bidding for the contract of the Century Group, what else has the Gu Group been working on

the documents in his hands and replied, "They held a new product release event. A few international A-list stars attended it and endorsed the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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