Mr Carlos Huo, She's Your Wife

Chapter 199 I Know My Woman Well

Pride was written all over Debbie's face. Not until now did she realize that Carlos had given a lot to her, and she felt so grateful.

With knitted eyebrows, Carlos stared at his grandmother and said angrily, "Debbie may be a bad student, Grandma, but she's better than that. Quit trying to frame her."

Valerie scowled at him and snapped back, "I'm not lying! Before she came here, we never lost anything. She must be the thief! Besides, she always tries to bully Megan. If I hadn't been with Megan, this woman would've probably beaten her. She eats too much. She's lazy, and doesn't respect her elders. She doesn't wake up until noon. What's worse, she even cheated on you. Carlos, I won't accept this woman as my granddaughter-in-law."

Debbie was shocked at Valerie's words—she never imagined she thought so low of her. Bitterness flooded her at this moment.

She had done so much housework to please Valerie, but she thanked her by calling her a thief.

'I don't give a rat's ass what they think of me. But I do care about... Carlos' opinion. Does he think of me like that too?' she thought to herself.

She didn't dare to look Carlos in the eye, as she was afraid that she would see disappointment glinting there.

Carlos leaned against the couch, his face deadpan. When he heard Valerie's accusations against his wife, he held Debbie's hand and began to play with it.

Debbie was left speechless. 'What's he doing? I thought we weren't on speaking terms. Is he trying to defend me?

Or is he only doing this to save face?'

Just when Debbie was lost in her own thoughts, Carlos spoke in a cold voice. "I don't know why you think of her that way, Grandma. But she's a good girl. You just won't give her a chance. You said she had bullied Megan. If she really wanted to do that, she would have beaten her up whether you were there or not. See any bruises? No. So you just overreacted."

until noon? Well, she suffers from jet lag. And it's my fault. She's up until the small hours because of me. If you do mind that, I'll try to let her get to sleep earlier. She cheated on me? I already explained it, and I don't want to talk about it anymore. You said she stole things? Haha!

be seen in Carlos' eyes.

Debbie at this moment. She was so moved by Carlos she wanted to cry. She didn't think she

cooled down a little and asked in a sad voice, "Carlos,

my wife,"

think you're focused on the wrong person? How about Megan or Stephanie? But why Debbie? She's a thief and a cheater!" James

that?' Debbie thought to herself.

and dragged Debbie along with him. "Don't call me out of work again and then run this...this circus! I'm super busy, and I don't have the time to deal with stupid shit. As for your lost things, I'll have my people look into it. And

up the stairs, hand in

was a thief, Carlos would get angry and hate Debbie. But it

moment they entered the bedroom, Carlos told Debbie, "I still have work in New York, and we can't go

back to Y City in a few days. Why go to the trouble? I'll go out for the day while you're at work." She decided to keep herself away from Valerie as

could smell his cologne. With dark eyes, Carlos

he's still here or not. It has nothing to do with me. I'm not

Carlos released her and warned, "I don't want to find out that you pulled something like you did with Hayden

Debbie teased, "Fine! I won't tell

she was scooped up and thrown onto the bed.

he asked in a hoarse

was just a joke. I'm sorry, honey," she apologized

dialed a number. "It's me, Carlos. A number of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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