Mr Carlos Huo, She's Your Wife

Chapter 194 You Married Carlos Huo

"But there's a line. I hope for your sake you don't cross that line again. As an elder, you should know better. I'll let Megan off the hook this time, but if she talks about my parents again, things won't be so easy for her, I swear."

After that, Debbie turned and went upstairs.

Valerie was too furious to say anything. If it were possible, steam would have poured from her ears.

Back in her room, Debbie decided to get comfortable. She drew a nice warm bath and washed the grime away. She had hardly put clean clothing on before her phone rang. She knew the number by heart, even though she didn't have him in her contact list. It was Hayden. 'Why's he calling?' she wondered.

In a bad mood, Debbie decided not to answer it, just let it go to voicemail. She wasn't very good company right now. Then she got a text message from him. "I'm in New York. I need to see you. It's important."

'Hayden is in New York?' Debbie was a little worried. "Why are you here? What's so important?" she asked in a text.

"I'll give you the details when we meet up. If you don't come and meet me, I'll go to the Huos' residence to find you,"

he threatened. 'What the heck?' Debbie cursed inwardly. She figured she'd better do as he said. After all, it might cause a scandal inadvertently. She called Carlos to let him know.

"I want to go out for a while," she told him.

"Okay, I'll ask the driver to take you wherever you want to go."

"Okay. Carlos..." Debbie intended to tell him that she was going to meet Hayden, but remembering how jealous he could be, she decided not to.


"Oh, nothing. What time are you coming home tonight?"

you miss me so much, I'll

didn't scold him this time for

On Broadway Avenue

out of the car at an intersection, sent the driver away, and walked to the coffee shop where she was supposed to meet up with Hayden.

she got there, Hayden was already waiting for her. Seeing her walk

see her breath in the air. Debbie felt she could hardly stand the cold after stepping out of the Huos' house. They kept that place hot like summer with the heat

spoke. Debbie's coffee came. "Thank you," she said to the barista who had just brought

made Debbie feel uncomfortable. "Mr. Gu, I'm here, so just say what you

"You married Carlos Huo."

a question but a statement.

Debbie nodded, "Yeah."

truth earlier, Hayden felt a pang in his heart when he heard

together and make a perfect couple.

Debbie finally understood why James didn't like her. She represented a threat to their business interests. It turned out that he had chosen a daughter-in-law a long time ago. Debbie was an unpleasant surprise to him. And

We'll convince his father to accept me." Carlos' family might have some problems with

his niece, though she's not a blood relative." Hayden had done some research on Carlos. Although there wasn't much, he found out something

blind. She could see that Valerie liked Megan a lot. "It doesn't matter." She believed that the love between

He said in a defeated tone, "Fine. Tell me why you

held the coffee mug to warm her hands. "When

smiled wryly. "I thought you were married to Emmett, and you didn't deny it." He felt played, felt that he made a fool of himself in front of Emmett and her. He didn't like that

I have to tell you who I married? None

Hayden felt his heart was bleeding. He leaned forward and grabbed her

hands off me!" Debbie said angrily,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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