Mr Carlos Huo, She's Your Wife

Chapter 196 At Arm's Length

Carlos rolled down the car window and cast a sideways glance at a building across the road. "Check that out," he said.

Confused, Debbie tried to look where he was looking, only to see the building towering into the clouds with the giant letters "ZL Group." "So, you can see the cafe from your office?" she asked.

He gave her a cold look and said, "The Huo family has eyes everywhere in this city." Debbie figured out how he knew.

It wasn't hard to figure this out. One of James' men had seen Debbie being with another man and told his boss. As a result, James had barged into Carlos' office and demanded his son divorce her. So it was only natural Carlos would be furious. Conversations with his father never went well under the best of circumstances, so with his dad in a confrontational mood only made matters worse. He had enough time to stew walking out of his office, waiting for the elevator, getting into the car, and getting to the cafe across the road. Steam was practically pouring out his ears by the time he got there.

On the way home, Carlos said nothing, his face sullen. Knowing that he was in a bad mood, Debbie didn't dare to say a single word either.

As the car drove into the Huo family's manor, she couldn't bear it anymore. "Don't you need to work?" she asked.

"Work? What for? My wife was about to fuck another man." His voice was as cold as ice.

Sighing with profound resignation, Debbie explained, "Come on, Carlos, listen to me. I know I shouldn't have gone to see Hayden. But I wasn't going to sleep with him. Damn, you're paranoid!"

Carlos said nothing, his face still livid.

The car came to a halt at the gates to the villa. Carlos got out and walked to the villa without even looking back. Without a word, he just left her there. He wanted her to do the walk of shame.

Seeing Carlos' figure receding, Debbie felt her heart break. If they weren't fighting, he would have scooped her up in his arms and carried her into the villa.

"Carlos Huo!" she called out.

Carlos stopped, turned around and looked at her, still silent.


He was the one that was mad at her,

simple and sharp. "No!" After saying that, he turned around

she could stop him and

phone and texted Carlos saying, "If you don't carry me into the villa, I won't

wouldn't move from this spot unless Carlos came back for her. 'His whole family loves Megan more

very thought made Debbie's heart

angry; after all, she was caught with Hayden at a cafe. But she didn't think she was wrong. They were just friends. 'It was all

she decided to send Hayden a

I are not a thing. Even if I divorced Carlos, I still

message made him laugh. He could tell how angry she was now. "What happened? Did he get pissed at

leave me alone. I don't want

'Deb is getting more and more

of the car, the driver could only

Carlos still didn't come back for

should I do?' she mused.

nice to me. I get why he's mad. If I were him and saw my wife with her

open and changed into her slippers. Just

was having a talk with Valerie. Megan went down

had already changed into clean

and the latter held his waist

act like his wife! Show some restraint!' Debbie

pushing Megan away, Carlos stroked her hair and offered, "There's a party this evening. If you're bored,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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