Mr Carlos Huo, She's Your Wife

Chapter 189 The Idiot

Debbie shifted her gaze toward Valerie and Megan, who were both pretending to ignore Lewis. Frowning, she wondered why they paid no attention to his lewd behavior.

Lewis put a hand in front of her eyes, blocking her view, and asked, "Debbie, why are you looking at them? Eyes on me, okay? I'm hot, right?"

Debbie rolled her eyes and turned around to go upstairs. "Want me to lie or tell the truth?" she asked, walking past him.

Catching up with her, Lewis said, "Lie to me, then."

"You're not hot," she replied purposefully.

Lewis tittered. 'That's a lie, so she means I'm a good looking guy!' But he didn't want her to beat around the bush to praise him. He wanted to hear it from her lips directly. "And the truth?" he asked expectantly.

Debbie turned around and looked into his eyes. "The truth is—you're so ugly that when you walk into a bank, they turn off the cameras."

Lewis was stumped by her words.

Seeing the frustrated look on Lewis' face, a few housemaids in the living room giggled under their breaths. Even Megan couldn't help but cover her mouth to stifle her laughter.

As Debbie continued to walk toward the staircase, she was shocked to spot a woman standing on the landing of the staircase.

It was Miranda, who was dressed neatly. It seemed like she was going out.

Embarrassed, Debbie forced a smile and greeted, "Hello, Aunt Miranda."

Oblivious to Debbie's greeting, Miranda fixed her eyes on her son, who was ready to run away, and reproached in a cold voice, "Lewis, you idiot!"

Scolded by his mother in front of others, Lewis lowered his head in shame. He walked to the sofa, sat down next to Valerie and asked, "Grandma, what did you need?"

Megan answered instead, "Grandma lost her string of Buddhist prayer beads. No one can find it.

replied nonchalantly as he stroked his messy hair. Seeing Miranda finally leave the living

she heard a knock. She opened it, but in a split second, flung the door to close

reacted so fast that he had already squeezed part of his body in before she could close the door. Wearing a lewd smile on his face, he said, "Hey, wait.

out of her room. Gritting her teeth, she swallowed her anger and flung

cousin left you here alone. You must be lonely, so I just want to keep you company. I'm so considerate, aren't I? Don't bother to thank me," he said, winking at

more shameless than him. He actually thought he was a great guy. When

out. I heard you're a very naughty girl. C'mon sis-in-law, let's have some

her face. She wanted to say, "tell that to your brother's wife." But on second thought, she remembered that his brother's wife was actually a nice person, so she swallowed those words. Instead, she threatened, "Get out! Go downstairs! Or I'll

well-educated, but how did they raise such an asshole?'

"Come on! You have

Debbie had no choice but to walk out to the corridor, since Lewis hadn't stopped his pestering. In a cold voice, she ridiculed, "You want to marry me? Look

"Why?" Lewis asked.

be like that, at least be manly enough to take the punches you're asking for!" As she spoke, she dropped into a fighting stance, and cracked her neck, getting ready to teach this bastard a lesson.

house. I wouldn't

change their minds. This is going to be fun!" Then, without saying anything more, she darted

ran toward his own bedroom, following a wave of screams. Eventually, he managed to shut the door behind him, putting his back into it. He quickly locked it before she could get at him. Leaning against the door, he gasped for air.

fast as if it could stop beating any time. 'She's such a hard woman. I can't understand how Carlos can keep

in bed. Damn! I really want some of that action!' He couldn't help but swallow a little saliva as

to her bedroom. These people were all so different from each

docile; Carlos was cold; Lewis was frivolous and Miranda

usual. Everyone sitting at the dinner

that James wasn't having dinner

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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