Chapter 432

She had grown furious after his rejection. She did not understand what she was thinking back then she bad thought that even if she could not have him, she must make him remember her forever. Therefore, she had gone to Chris… 

Guinevere closed her eyes tightly. 

Havden did not know what she recalled, but he knew she must have remembered the truth of the past. He continued to calm her down. “Take a deep breath. You have to face the truth before you can truly let go.” 

Guinevere took a deep breath with him, but her heart was filled with hatred. She calmned down, but she could not let go. 

Whenever she thought about what she did on impulse that night, she just could not stop drowning in an abyss of regret. 

not acted on an impulse that night, would things

man instead of Chris, would things with Weston

she could not

did he give her hope after something

from the beginning. There was no turning back anymore; she

go to hell together,’

handed Zachary to him. “Do you want to talk to


He can’t even understand a word.” “It’s okay. He may not understand, but it’s good for him to be close to his father.” Weston remained silent and hesitated a little before he reached out to pick up Zachary. He was a little

fatherly love in him, but there was nothing at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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