Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 34

Chapter 34

“Sir, I brought you a cup of earl grey tea.”

Keegan took off his glasses, rubbed his eyes really hard, and said tiredly, “Thank you. Just leave it there.”

The nanny set down the tea and left. Keegan took a sip of it and narrowed his brows. It tasted different from the past and was too sour to drink. He stopped drinking and set the tea aside. Just as he wanted to take his book, his phone beside him rang. He glanced and ignored the phone call as it was an unidentified number. After the ringtone was cut off, he only answered the call when it rang once more.

Could you come and pick up

in a cool manner and hung off. After a moment, the phone call rang again. Keegan’s brow scrunched as he answered the

She told us this number. Mr. Tard, is your

few minutes later, Keegan received a picture through his text messages. The photo was taken in a dimly lit place, but it was clear that the woman lying unconscious at the bar was Stella. Keegan’s gaze turned sharp, and

shook the empty glass, and lisped, “Who drank all my

glass. But, she spewed it all out the next second. She frowned with a displeased face. “You fooled me with water? Are you scared that I can’t pay for the alcohol? Let me tell you something, my husband is freaking rich! He could buy every bar in Rivera

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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