Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 10

Chapter 10

spiciness!’ she thought. Dahlia glanced at the two. Then, she lowered her gaze thoughtfully. A few glasses of wine later, Keegan’s phone rang. Dahlia waited until Keegan went out to answer his phone before setting down her cutlery. She asked Stella, “Stella, how long has your stomach been feeling unwell? Did you puke?” ‘Don’t tell me she thinks I’m pregnant,’ thought Stella. She could only explain, “I’m not pregnant. I just had my period last week.” However, Dahlia did not seem to buy it. She continued, “Did you take the medicine I gave you previously on time?”  Hearing about the medicines made Stella’s stomach churn abruptly. Dahlia had been very persistent about Stella’s pregnancy. For some reason, she thought Stella must be the reason the two could not bear a child. Over the years, she had been seeking doctors and medicines and making Stella take a “fertility drink”. ‘Keegan’s sexually frigid, and I can count the number of times I see him in a year with a single hand. I’m not a stick insect; I can’t produce asexually. If Keegan’s not willing to cooperate, how will I conceive?’ thought Stella. “I did.” Stella knew Dahlia did not believe her, so she added, “Maya watched me drink it.” Aurora snorted sardonically, “What did I tell you, mom? She’s infertile. What’s the point of giving her so much of the best medicines?” Dahlia glanced at her and said in a neutral tone, “Don’t interrupt.” Aurora pouted and rolled her eyes. Dahlia asked again, “Did you and Keegan use contraceptives?” Stella was speechless. ‘Couldn’t she have asked it in a more reserved manner rather than being so blunt?’ she wondered. She took a deep breath and answered honestly, “No.” ‘We really didn’t. Keegan has a clear picture of my menstrual cycle; he always avoids my ovulating days.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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