Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 9

Chapter 9

even stiffer. Since Keegan loved Aurora, Stella was destined to be the one aggrieved.  ‘Now that I think about it, Keegan and I probably wouldn’t last even if there wasn’t Bella Young. From our family background to our moral compasses, we have nothing in common,’ thought Stella. The waiter quickly led them to their pre-booked private room. When they pushed the door open and entered, they saw Aurora talking to Dahlia. The mother and daughter looked quite alike, except Dahlia had the appeal of a mature woman and an air of elegance. Meanwhile, Aurora looked much tender. When Aurora saw Stella, her expression immediately changed. However, she instantly put on a sweet smile when she was faced with Keegan. She said to him coyly, “Keegan! I’m about to starve to death, but mom insisted that we wait for you. What took you so long?” Keegan glanced at her. “Wipe the oil stain on your mouth. That’ll make your words sound more convincing.” Aurora was speechless. “You’re so annoying! I thought of you throughout my trip and even brought you a souvenir!” The brother and sister argued for a bit before Dahlia finally stopped them, “Alright, stop arguing. Have a seat.” Then, she glanced at Stella, “Stella, tell the waiter at the door to serve the dishes.” The truth was that the waiter could actually hear them. However, Dahlia wanted Stella to do it simply because she was used to ordering her around. Back when they all stayed at Keegan’s grandparents’ residence, Stella would sit at the far end of the table. This was because it was easier for her to get up and retrieve things for others. Stella had gotten used to it. Just as she was about to go outside, Keegan tugged on her wrist. However, he did not look at her. He turned to Aurora, “You go, Aurora. And, tell the waiter to bring a bottle of red wine.” Aurora immediately made a long face and looked incredibly reluctant. “Wasn’t Stella about to go?” Keegan responded indifferently, “She doesn’t know the wine mom likes.” However, Stella did not go along with him. She struggled out of

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