Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 2

Chapter 2

want to give birth to a bargaining chip?” Stella’s heart clenched into a tight, but her expression did not show any changes. She merely chuckled once and said, “That’s right, I’m afraid of you not wanting me, and I want to share some bond with you.” Keegan buttoned up his shirt and gave her an annoyed look. “Don’t waste your efforts on a scheme like this. I don’t want a child.” Stella’s smile stiffened bit by bit. When he was about to go out, she called to him, “Keegan Kane, do you actually not want to have a child, or you just don’t want to have a child with me?” Keegan’s footsteps paused for a bit. “Is there a difference?” he said coldly. Stella gripped her hands tightly. “If there is no difference, then what’s the point of this marriage? Let’s divorce!” “Suit yourself!” After leaving behind these two words, Keegan went out and slammed the door. Stella, on the other hand, grabbed a pillow and threw it at the door, her eyes teary. The next day, Keegan came back from his morning run. He sat at the dining table to read the mail. Breakfast was served long ago, yet he did not make a move. Maya asked, “Mr. Kane, would you like me to reheat it?” Keegan glanced at the time and furrowed his eyebrows. “Call for her to come down for breakfast.” Maya went upstairs. Not long after, she ran down in a hurry, “Mr. Kane, Mrs. Kane is gone, and she left… this.” “What?” he asked while taking the papers from Maya. The few words “Divorce Settlement” seemed especially blinding on the papers. He sullenly flipped through them as his expression sank bit by bit. When he saw that the real estate, automobiles, and shares were halved between each person, he immediately let out a scornful laugh. “She dare to even imagine!” However, after seeing the reason for the divorce, he could not laugh anymore. That line had only one sentence written. “Due to the male partner’s infertility and failure to engage in a normal couple lifestyle, the relationship is severed.” With a somber expression on his face, Keegan pulled out his cell phone to call Stella. “Hello?” Stella’s cold tone came from the phone. It sounded pretty revolting to him. He asked through gritted teeth, “What is the meaning of this?” “It’s the literal meaning of what was written,” Stella said in a casual tone. “Tell me when you’re done signing it. Then, I can go and get the cert done. Regardless of marriage and funeral, we will not have anything to do with each other in the future.” The veins on Keegan’s forehead kept popping. “I’m asking what is the meaning behind the reason for the divorce!”  Stella kept quiet for a while. Then, she said, “You think it’s normal for us to be this way? Keegan, there is a sentence that I wanted to say to you very early on. Find some time to see a doctor. Your mother has fed me so many alternative remedies every day. What’s the point of me drinking the remedies? The one with the problem is you.” “Stella!” Stella hung up the phone after she finished speaking. She essentially did not give him a chance to vent. Keegan’s expression was grave. Maya was so scared that she did not dare to breathe too heavily as she thought, ‘Mrs. Kane used to be very well-behaved and gentle. Why did she suddenly want a divorce? And, what did she actually say that made Mr. Kane so angry?’ After finishing her speech, only then did Stella feel herself ease up. She suddenly realized how long she had suppressed herself at the Kane family throughout these years. However, that feeling only lasted until the night of the same day. The hotel manager knocked on her room door and subtly expressed that she could no longer continue to stay in that suite. The reason was that the card she used to live in the hotel was specially made for the Kane family. Now that her card was locked out, she had no right to continue enjoying the luxurious suite. Stella was speechless. “Of course, the main thing is that the room card can’t be used anymore. But, you can still proceed with making the payment yourself. We completely welcome this option. May I ask, madam, do you need an extension to your stay?” The manager warmly suggested. For

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