Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 3

Chapter 3

few days and arrange my accommodation properly. Then, I’ll discuss the voice acting for ‘Honor of the Deities’.” “Have you ever considered changing from behind the scenes to the forefront?” said Felicity. Stella was stunned for a bit. “I haven’t faced a camera lens in three years. I don’t know if I’m still capable or not.”  “Just because you haven’t been facing a camera, doesn’t mean you have thrown away your skills. You have acquired close to ten million fans just by doing voice-acting! Voice-actors need to portray emotions. Nowadays, some actors can’t even pass the basics for doing their lines, yet they are still famous. You have the looks and the acting skills. What is there to be afraid of? Supporting yourself would still be a breeze even if you don’t get very famous.” ‘That’s true. Even if the path as an actress doesn’t work out, based on my popularity in the current voice-acting field, it would be enough for me to live comfortably. This allows me to be versatile, so it wouldn’t hurt to try it,’ Stella thought. On top of that, Stella really liked to perform. Giving up her interest for marriage was the stupidest decision she made in her life. Thankfully, it was still not too late to change. Both of them talked until the middle of the night. Felicity yawned repeatedly after that and was urged back to her bedroom by Stella. Stella then lay down on the couch. She assumed she would lose sleep for a while, yet unexpectedly, she fell asleep very swiftly. However, it did not last for long as the urgent ringtone of her cell woke her up. She drowsily picked it up and said, “Hello?” Maya’s voice shakily came from the other side. “Madam, where did you put Mr. Kane’s blue shirt?” Stella’s mind was still not fully conscious. She instinctively said, “Second-floor wardrobe, the east-side second bracket from the left.” The other side of the phone stayed quiet for a while. Maya then said, “I’ve looked around, and I still don’t see it.” “That’s impossible. I ironed and put it in there myself. You should ask Keegan if he moved it or not.” Maya whispered, “Mr. Kane said he

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