Stella felt a pang of guilt and replied, "I didn't mean to blame you.

I was just asking." Keegan responded, "The tone of your question was really hurtful.

Even now, I still feel uncomfortable reading those words." Stella was rendered speechless.

Keegan wasn't just sharp in learning, but also good with words.

However, he seemed to have forgotten who his opponent was.

Feeling deeply sorry, Stella said, "What should we do? It's been over two minutes, so I can't take it back.

Why don't you just delete me? Then, you won't have to see those words and feel bad." There was silence from Keegan for a while, perhaps taken aback by her suggestion.

Stella asked, "Are you going to delete me?" Keegan was quiet.

Stella pleaded, "Please, delete me.

bear it and said, "Honey, I was wrong." Stella replied, "You were just trying to

me who's wrong, making a fuss over

wu Keegan fell silent.

while, he sent a bunch of pictures of bags, saying, "Honey, pick one." Stella was "indignant" and asked, "What do you mean? Do you think I want a bag?" Keegan replied,


of the company, your income won't be as high as it is

some money and don't spend recklessly." Keegan had more than just the Vinci Rivera Group's

the future, he wouldn't earn less money, but

they are,

need to sacrifice my wife, and besides, I've seen you browsing these bags for a

to you." Stella smiled as she read the message and said, "Then I'll

show her status, and of course, there were also reasons why she wanted to

the fragrance industry, and if they didn't know each other well, they would

would naturally fall into place, so the

finished replying, there was a

phone and said, "Come in." The door opened, and Wren Adkin stood there with a file, looking

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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