Wren seemed a bit bashful, clasping her hands as she spoke in a subdued tone, "This is the medical bill for my grandmother's treatment at the hospital.

Ms. Lark arranged to cover it for me earlier.

It's a hundred thousand, and the password is six zeros." Stella didn't reply immediately.

Instead, she set down her pen and inquired, "Where did you get the money from?" Wren remained silent.

Stella calmly stated, "If this money wasn't obtained through legal means, even if I accept it, it would still need to be returned." Wren hurriedly responded, "It's nothing illegal.

I applied for a consumer loan from the company." One of the perks at Caline was a consumer loan with a very low interest rate, approximately around three percent for three years.

However low the interest rate might be, it still needed to be repaid, and Wren was already under significant financial pressure, making it worse.

Stella lightly ran her fingers over the mouse on the desk and suddenly asked, "Are you afraid that I might use this incident to pull you into my circle? To expect favors in return and make you do things that would put you in a difficult position?" Wren was taken aback by Stella's straightforwardness.

She pursed her lips and remained silent, implying her acknowledgement.

Everyone had been speculating the purpose of Stella's arrival at the company.

Darcie Arnold having been at Caline for so long, controlling the core departments, Stella's attempts to take away

side with Darcie

with any group; she just wanted to quietly work, earn her salary, and provide medical care for

Stella understood this.

indeed have that thought,

Kiara gave you isn't mine; it's an advance on your salary

because she told me you needed money urgently, and your wages

because of me that you're in this

about it, I can't just

advance procedures are already in

about it." As she spoke, she handed the

think this matter through

already taken out a loan, I'll accept

the money is deposited, you should quickly

Wren was very surprised.

so many ways to refuse Stella, yet she

speaking, she placed the bank card in the drawer and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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