Paul’s mother was a director at a private hospital, specializing in plastic surgery, and his father was a renowned surgeon. With their wealth and status, it wouldn’t have been difficult for them to control a woman like Dillon, who had no support or connections.

Keegan couldn’t even bear to think about what this couple might have done to Dillon after she lost her husband and son.

Aldor was stunned. The thought of it was horrifying. Could people really be that cruel? But he felt that Keegan’s theory might be close to the truth.

In order to avenge their son and keep his memory alive, they might have transformed Dillon into their “son” and kept her close.

Why didn’t she resist? Perhaps she tried, but failed. Or maybe she gave up, allowing herself to be controlled, believing it was some sort of atonement.

and the other had been sent to a nursing home recently due

two years of freedom from their control, Dillon was diagnosed

made a donation, as if seeking

story fit with the details they had

she’s been through, wouldn’t she want revenge? She must hate them, especially knowing her colleagues died. How could she not wonder if the fire was an accident or something worse? Then why won’t she admit her identity? If she came forward and exposed the person who bribed them, they could

repeated his earlier thought, “Because her beloved, Paul,

further, “Paul is now a foreign national. Even if there’s evidence that Darcie instigated the fire, do you think she’ll be brought to justice? The laws over there might not even classify it as first-degree murder. The murderer could end up with just a few years in prison, maybe none if they find a good lawyer. Do you think Dillon would accept that?

whispered, “She wants to take revenge herself, doesn’t

This was the only explanation that made sense for Paul’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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