Keegan’s eyelids twitched. Where did these siblings get all these strange emojis?

Keegan called Trevor, who answered quickly.

“Where are you?” Keegan asked.

Actually, it wasn’t Stella who contacted Aldor to stop Paul; it was Trevor. Trevor had been keeping tabs on Paul, and Stella informed him as soon as she found out Paul had located Darcie. Trevor, as the oldest brother, was left with the responsibility.

Trevor replied, “Grandpa’s in the hospital. I’m heading back to Salcator.”

Keegan’s expression tightened. “When did this happen? Is it serious?”

He called me this morning. He’s awake

asked, “Did you

But when I looked into Dillon’s overseas activities, I used some of the Hall family connections. Somehow, Grandpa found out. After Stella was recognized, they began wondering how the child was switched. They knew I was investigating the midwives, so they started putting the

booked tickets to come home. That winter, it snowed heavily, causing flight delays and road closures. By the time they arrived, they couldn’t see Mom one last time. She’d gone through all that pain only to give birth to a stillborn. My

critical time as childbirth, her husband and mother-in-law weren’t by her side, and why a colleague had to take her to the hospital. Even after

treating them like his own parents. The initial resentment had faded a lot over time. But now, with the possibility that their daughter’s death wasn’t an accident and that the culprit might be their ex-son-in-law’s ex-wife, Grandpa couldn’t hold back his emotions. He wanted to call Wenham immediately, but Grandma

it a secret and didn’t inform Trevor until Grandpa was out of danger.

pregnant, and one is still in elementary school. None of

Grandma? Is she okay?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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