Stella read the compliments and admiration Jaylene sent to Keegan, which triggered a memory from her college days.

Back then, Stella had a roommate who had been in a relationship with her childhood sweetheart since junior high. They had been together for seven or eight years, but after the summer of their sophomore year, he cheated on her.

All the girls in the dormitory supported her, cursing the guy who cheated, but she insisted on seeing the girl he left her for. When she finally met her, she was even more devastated. The other girl wasn’t as pretty, her figure wasn’t as good, and she wasn’t as educated. She couldn’t understand how her boyfriend could fall for someone who seemed inferior in every way.

want to cause a scene. She just wanted to understand why her boyfriend of eight years had chosen someone else over her. She arranged to

quickly after a breakup. The other girl cried and clung to the boy, saying it was her fault for not respecting the boundaries of his relationship. She even deleted his contact information in front of him, swearing not

of his girlfriend and said he liked her and that the breakup was his fault. He acted like the hero in a drama, holding the other girl’s

lose her dignity. She simply grabbed her coffee, threw it in his face, and

their coffee at the guy and the girl he cheated with. Stella, being a bit more

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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