At first, she didn’t recognize the number because she had blocked all his contacts after the breakup. It wasn’t until he sent another message saying, “I’ve never forgotten you. I know we haven’t spoken, but could you give me a chance?” that she realized it was him.

Almost two years after the breakup, he suddenly reappeared. The girls in the dormitory gathered to figure out what was wrong with this guy.

Eventually, they managed to get information from one of his roommates by bribing him with a ticket to a ball game. It turned out that the guy had broken up with the other girl, but not on his terms. She had dumped him for a senior. When she had been with the senior, she had praised and admired him in the same way she had done with the roommate’s boyfriend.

Enraged, the guy got hold of her chat records with other boys and posted them on the school forum. It turned out that the girl had a habit of flattering guys, sharing photos, and asking them simple questions under the guise of studying or club activities.

She would act amazed by their answers, saying things like, “I’ve been thinking about this all afternoon, and you solved it so easily. You’re amazing!” These fake compliments made the guys feel good, and many, even those with girlfriends, maintained an ambiguous relationship with her.

She was also good at creating physical contact with guys, like asking for help with trivial things such as twisting bottle caps, carrying heavy items, or sharing an umbrella on a rainy day.

were exposed, her reputation among her classmates was ruined. Eventually,

other girl, and that’s when he started missing his old relationship. He refused to admit his fault and blamed the breakup on his ex for being too rational and independent, claiming she never praised him in the way the other girl did. This almost made the

they also want to be admired and worshipped by other women to boost their

girl’s privacy on the forum to the company he was about to join. As a result, they rejected his job application. In the end, he didn’t get into the big company he wanted and

big mistake at work, which led to heavy losses for the small company. He was blacklisted by local companies, and no good company wanted him

Stella of that girl. If she hadn’t looked through Keegan’s chat records, she wouldn’t have known when Jaylene was trying to win

inadequate when it came

asked quietly, “She praised

just read the manual, and she said I was great.

as if recalling something from his youth, he added, “My graduate supervisor saw Luna’s test. He

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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