Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 429

Chapter 429 It‘ll Be Fine

Nina lowered her head out of their sight. She said tiredly, “Mr, Timothy, Mrs. Timothy. I‘m worried about Harley, so...”

Carlee ignored Nina and walked to Harley‘s bed. Carlee looked at Harley worriedly and touched his forehead.

Carlee felt very angry when she thought her lively son had gotten into a car accident because of Nina.

“Harley is lying unconscious. Are you very happy?”

“Mrs. Timothy, I‘m not. Harley suffers. I...” Nina was very upset.

Nina didn‘t want anything to happen to Harley. She was more upset than anyone else when Harley got into a car accident.

“Because of you, he has gotten into a car accident. But you said you were not! The truth is right here. How can you deny it? Get out now! I don‘t want to see you.”

Tears welled up in Nina‘s eyes. “Mrs. Timothy, I want to stay here with Harley. I want him to see me when he wakes up so that he will feel at ease...”

Harley got into a car accident because he was in a hurry to stop Nina from aborting the child. So, Nina wanted Harley to know that the child was fine as soon as he woke up. He would feel at ease that there was no problem.

However, Carlee felt that Nina‘s voice was annoying. “You are a jinx! Do you want him to faint from anger again after waking up? Get out!

“Didn‘t you hear what I said? Get out!”

Carlee was so rude that Nina felt ashamed to stay there.

Melissa held Nina‘s arms and felt that Nina was trembling. Melissa didn‘t know if Nina was scared by Carlee or felt

that Harley was

do you not understand? Get

to support Nina. But Nina grabbed

Harley‘s mother. Nina was younger and should

been watching them without a

for a few days, you should be tired. Go back

unhappy. “How can you allow her


when she heard she was allowed

Please take good care of


do you have

“No, what‘s wrong?”


did Melissa notice that

don‘t have it with me. It should be sold in the supermarket outside the hospital. I‘ll go out and buy one. Nina, you

considerately bought a cup of coffee for

Nina lived was not far from

sitting in the passenger seat and turned

head and asked, “have we arrived? I feel so

forehead. “Are you sick? Why are you

and said, “I‘m not sick Maybe I got carsick because

the room, Nina‘s forehead was sweating, which

I have to examine

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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