Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 430

Chapter 430 Enemies Meet Face to Face

When they arrived at the hospital, Melissa helped Nina out of the car and instructed, “Are you still a little flustered now? Close your eyes and don‘t look at the road. You‘ll feel better.”

Nina did as she was told and closed her eyes. She was completely led by Melissa.

The words that Melissa just said were complete nonsense. It was to keep Nina from finding out that she had been brought to the same hospital where Harley was staying.

Melissa had already registered online for the emergency room in advance, so they went directly to the clinic of gynecology and obstetrics.

There was another pregnant woman in the clinic, and Melissa helped Nina sit down.

“Doctor, I‘m bleeding. Will 1...”

“Don‘t worry. It is normal. I‘ve seen a case of six months of menstruation during pregnancy.”

The conversation between the patient and the doctor in the clinic could be heard.

“Nina, did you hear that? Bleeding during pregnancy doesn‘t necessarily mean something is wrong. Don‘t worry.”

Nina closed her eyes and nodded gently. She grasped the corner of her clothes and was still nervous. After all, her belly was hurting. She was afraid...

The patient inside the clinic came out and it was Nina‘s turn. Melissa helped her into the clinic.

Nina opened her eyes and sat down. She saw the nameplate on the doctor‘s uniform. The hospital was the one Harley was in.

Nina looked at Melissa and wanted to stand up, “Melissa, isn‘t it...”

Melissa pressed Nina down into the chair, “We‘re already here. If you go out now, you might meet Harley and his family. Why don‘t we let the doctor diagnose you?”

Nina said worriedly, “But...”

Melissa comforted her, “Don‘t talk anymore. Just focus on treating.”

“What‘s wrong with you?” asked the female doctor.

“My belly hurts and I‘m bleeding,” Nina replied weakly.

The doctor glanced at Nina, “Please look up.”

Nina did as told.

asked, “Which part hurts?

reaching out

at her belly, “Lower a

eaten this

“No,” Nina replied.

a blood test, then

my fetus


rested well recently, and you are in a bad mood. You have a little anemia. How can your fetus be safe? There are signs of a

Nina immediately became emotional, “Doctor, you

have to adjust your emotions. The situation

a threatened miscarriage. If you take good care of it, later the baby will be safe. Now go pay the

Nina nodded vigorously.

phone, and the doctor


ultrasound room, there were a total of six ultrasound machines working at the same

Nina and said, “Please lie down

she was told and the

the bed, looking at Melissa

is the baby

come to the hospital on time for your maternity check

was too busy to do the checkup

time in the future. The maternity checkup is very important. The baby is still developing a

Melissa opened the curtain. The two of them were


Carlee. She immediately closed the curtain. Nina did not want Carlee to know that her child was in

felt strange seeing her do this but did not

there anyone outside that you

Nina nodded.

asked, pulling the

and whispered, “The woman

and closed the curtain that Carlee was standing

and took the opportunity to quietly

she breathed a sigh of relief, “Fortunately,

just a small embryo. He hasn‘t separated his fingers yet. If not everyone is looking forward to his birth, you have to consider it carefully. Otherwise, the

an innocent girl who was accidentally

won‘t treat this

grew up in a bad environment, Nina

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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