Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 431

Chapter 431 Ger Nina Back

“She can‘t even raise a baby properly!”

Carlee returned to the ward and sat beside Harley. She tucked him in and looked at the electrocardiogram. The curves on it were rhythmic.

“What did the doctor say?”

Reid took Harley‘s medical record and replied as he looked at it, “He said that Harley‘s condition is stable, but he‘s not getting better.”

“Harley hasn‘t eaten for several days. He has been relying on the nutrient solution only. Look, he‘s getting thinner,” said Carlee as she grabbed Harley‘s hand.

She turned to look at the coffee table in the ward. Nothing was on it. Then she took a look at the cabinet and found only two clothes.

“He doesn‘t even have fruit here!”

“I told you to have some breakfast before coming here. See? Hungry now?” Reid said.

“I‘m worried about Harley, and I wanted to get here as soon as possible!” As Carlee spoke, she turned around and saw Reid sitting there, idly flipping through the medical records.

Carlee was furious. “Why can‘t you go down and buy some apples? When Harley wakes up later, he will be hungry because he hasn‘t eaten for a few days. He can have some apple paste!”

Reid put down the medical record and answered seriously, “The doctor said that he couldn‘t eat these things, since he has just recovered from a serious illness. He should eat some soup.”


What he said was the truth, which made Carlee speechless. She was hungry anyway, and she met Nina who irritated her. And now she was even more furious when being retorted by Reid like this.

unlucky? I found myself a husband like you and gave birth to such

See what she did to Harley? And she

is small. Babies nowadays grow up well in their mothers‘ wombs. It‘s not easy to give birth. Only

Reid could tell that something was wrong, so he

sal beside Harley. “Just now, I accompanied Laine downstairs for her checkup. We bumped into Nina and

wrong with

you sure?” Reid

thought for a while and said, “More

of them spoke casually, and Harley, who was lying on the

he shook his head from side to side. His brows seemed to be frowning, and the curves on the electrocardiogram started id luctuate

Gel Blog

A harsh sound came.

sounded an

she stood up. She didn‘t even know where

fine a minute ago. What happened? Doctor! Call

beeper on the

the patient in Room 903. Get the attending

Calm down. Don‘t move the patient before the doctor is

in a more serious situation. He was trembling slightly, and his

of the nurse‘s words, Reid retracted his hand and leaned over, wanting to hear

“Nina... Nina...”

the patient should go

They asked Reid and Carlee to step outside first, lifted

door worriedly, wanting to see the situation inside through the glass on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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