Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 444

Chapter 444 Ulterior Motives

Anaya nodded, “Yes, I want her to die. Help me. I can give you anything you need.”

Anaya‘s idea was indeed very crazy. Susan knew that a little carelessness might bring tragedy to herself. Even so, she still agreed. There was a clear joy in her eyes. It was obvious that she was very interested in her partner, Anaya.

“May luck be with us, Ms. Knowles.”

“We will make it, Ms. Curson.”

The two women shook hands with each other with smiles on their faces, but under their beautiful faces, they both had their own ulterior motives.

Susan did not really want to get involved in this mess. She was much smarter than Ryleigh and the others. Susan was still more used to calling Melissa “Loe“. Even though Anaya said that she wanted Loe to die, Suan would not do something stupid as she was a designer, and she could not lose everything she had.

Therefore, Susan thought their plan would still work even if she asked someone else to do it.

Anaya looked at Susan for a moment, but she soon withdrew her gaze. The handshake was out of courtesy, so it only lasted a few seconds.

They did not have much friendship, so there was no need for them to pretend to be close friends.

“Alright, I‘ll wait for good news from you, Ms. Knowles.” Susan raised her eyebrows. She didn‘t think what they did was a bad thing. How could a person like Susan who was used to being number one allow herself to lose her glory?

Anaya nodded. Since she had achieved her goal, there was no need for her to stay here.

turn and leave when she was stopped

took the key, and opened the bottom drawer. She took out a wallet from the inside. After that, she took out a card and handed it to Anaya. “Ms. Knowles, although the condition you mentioned is very crazy, I think that since you are going to help me, I have to pay

She was waiting for Susan

words, I am at ease. I will definitely hand over Melissa‘s design manuscript to you

In Aldness.

was really swift and decisive in his actions. Ever since Melissa and Murray had asked him to choose a date to hold the wedding, he had found someone to spread the news not long after that. On the one hand, he wanted to make it known

spread very quickly. In just two days, it was reported in the newspapers, magazines, and the internet that Murray and Melissa were going to hold the engagement ceremony on the fifth

from Canada Declan was very frald that his sister would see any news about Murray, so he ordered the servants to liide all the magazines at home. But today, le happened to not

president of the Gibson

control and changed the channel. As a result, the TV was

the host read oul Murray‘s name,

to reliable sources, Murray and Melissa will hold an engagement ceremony on the fifth of next month. According to the insiders, the venue of the

be with Murray, she had suffered a lot. She thought it was unfair that in the end, Murray still chose

what‘s special about that

fingers tightly gripped the sofa cloth. She could not accept it. She could not tolerate that Murray was determined to marry Melissa instead of her, a girl of equal

couldn‘t let Murray and Melissa be together. She

didn‘t allow Melissa to

by Melissa and the others on the day of the engagement, she was taken to the police station and locked up in prison for stealing secrets and fraud. At least Ryleigh would receive more than a dozen

period, her life in prison was really a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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