Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 445

Chapter 445 Psychological Distortion



“Forget it. I have to study later. Look at this woman who doesn‘t know anything. It‘s so boring. Let‘s go.” A prisoner was standing next to Mia and watching the show, but she immediately lost the mood to keep watching when she saw that Ryleigh just silently stood there. She walked over, frowned, and then glanced at Ryleigh impatiently. The prisoner was tugging at the sleeve of the short–haired female prisoner, telling her not to cause trouble.

They were unlike Ryleigh because they would be released in a few years. It would be big trouble if they created a disturbance at this critical moment.

The short–haired female prisoner was pulled away after Mia and the other two went out of the prison gate to study. Only then did Ryleigh slowly support herself with her back against the wall. She stared in the direction that Mia had left full of resentment in her eyes.

Ryleigh would get back at Mia, bit by bit!

“Ryleigh Sofia.”

A policeman opened the prison door and shouted at Ryleigh, “Someone came to see you. Come with me.”

Who would come to see her?

Ryleigh was a little confused. It could be said that everyone had abandoned her. Who would come to see her after she became like this?

She still followed the police out and went to the communication room even though she couldn‘t figure it out. In the end, she saw Adela standing on the other end of the room through the glass.

Ryleigh narrowed her eyes and frowned slightly.

was too familiar with

finished talking, Adela turned around and saw Ryleigh in an orange vest. Adela showed a faint smile

picking up the receiver on


been a

has indeed been a long time. I never thought that you would come to see me.” Ryleigh forced a bitter smile. She didn‘t

might only be a doll threatened by someone for the rest of

I can offer help to let the police free you. Looking at you now, you must

she was in prison. She had always thought of running out to see Murray and tell him how much she loved

never thought that it would be

Adela really help

Are you so kind?” Ryleigh asked and became

have sympathy.” Adela didn‘t change her expression, “I also know what

both have a common enemy. So, the enemy of the enemy is a


hated Melissa and even regarded her as a thorn in

Ryleigh paused for a moment before staring at Adela with undisguised desire

here. The sooner, the

through Adela‘s eyes. Since Ryleigh said this, it meant that she had the same idea. Then, it was time for Adela to

called Lily when she was kidnapped. If you tell the truth,

wanted to take down

crazy from the moment she had insisted on cutting her wrist for Murray because she couldn‘t be with Murray and had been jealous of Melissa many times. At

was not to get Murray at all but to take down Melissa, this

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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