Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 446

Chapter 446 Harley Wales Up

Harley‘s body was still trapile after waking up. However, he couldn‘t help but feel even more distressed when Nina‘s haggard lace caught his eyes, lemised luis right and to enly stroller lace low times.

Nina luad been a light sleeper during this period. As soon as she tell someone stroking her, she woke up in a daze, looked up, and happened to meet anley‘s eyes.

Seeing that Nina had woken up, Harley slightly moved up the corners of his mouth to show a smile.

She paused for a moment with disbelict in her eyes and then rubbed her eyes as if she was trying to prove something, When hier vision gradually became clear, she contirmed that it wasn‘t a dream. She could not help but reveala surprised smile with a trembling voice,

“Harley, Harley, it‘s not a dream. You finally woke up. That‘s great...”

Nina was excited and happy because she had waited for a long time before Harley woke up. Even her eyes turned red, and tears tlasdied in her eyes when some indescribable emotions mixeel in dier mind. She covered her mouth tightly to prevent herself from crying out loud.

“Yes, I‘m awake.” Harley nodded gently and tried to reach out one hand to wipe her cars, but now he had no more strength to raise his hand because of his weak body.

Harley had no choice but to say softly, “Nina, I‘m sorry. I, I made you worry. I‘m fine, don‘t cry. I think you‘ve lost a lot of weight during this period.”

Nina hurriedly wiped her cars with the back of her hand. Seeing this, Harley could not help but laugh with a pale face. Although he had been unconscious for such a long time, he could sometimes hear what the people outside said. He could not wake up mentally.

For example, he heard Nina say that she wanted to marry him.

Heturned his eyes lo Nina and beckoned her to sit beside him. He groped for the back of her hand and asked slowly, “Nina, I heard you

daze for a moment because she had never expected Harley to hear this sentence. Although she didn‘t intend to go back on her word, she couldn‘t admit

few seconds and felt conflicted. She gently

said that casually. Who

angry at all. He loved Nina so

my proposal. You have my words. Alter I am discharged, I will give you a grand wedding and make you the

to envision the scene of the wedding right now as if he was afraidini Nina

used to it. Although she had decided to fulfill her promise,

food restand get well soon. We‘ll talk about it when you‘re all right. You

time before sving these words to Harley. As

him when she agreed. Since he would marry her

with tears inside when she saw Harley talking to Nina, The soup


didn‘t believe what she saw. She quickly walked to the bed and directly ignored Nina. When Harley heard the sound, he turned his eyes and happened to

“Mom, yes.”

little. However, excitement and sadness came

a smile after she calmed down. “Alright, alright, alright. It‘s good that you‘re awake.

Ariana felt sorry for her daughter being looked down upon by Carlee, she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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