Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 503

Chapter 503 My Man Looks Great

Melissa hoped that Demetrius could understand, but Demetrius showed a very puzzled look.

He didn‘t understand why Melissa said that, so he told her directly, “I like you because you are good–looking and elegant. You are the most beautiful Anglian girl I have ever seen. I fell for you when we danced. And I hope you can accept me. Melissa, I don‘t want to go back to Wyvernholt before you say yes.

“Moreover, if you don‘t want to go back to Wyvernholt with me, I can move here and stay with you. It‘s not a big deal.” He put on a charming smile.

Melissa was speechless.

She didn‘t know how to put it clearly to Demetrius. She looked at him helplessly for a long time before she finally opened her mouth again.

“Listen. I don‘t think this will work out. I think you should go back to Wyvernholt. It‘s good for you. Moreover, it is impossible for me to be separated from Murray. Your feelings for me might be illusions. One day, when you meet your beloved one, you will understand me.”

Demetrius was also silent. He frowned for a long time as if he was pondering over Melissa‘s words. Just as Melissa finally heaved a sigh of relief and thought that he was convinced, she suddenly heard Demetrius‘ voice.

“Forget it. You might be too shocked to accept me. Oh, right. It’ll be my birthday in three days. Why don‘t you show me around here?”

Demetrius didn‘t get it.

Melissa silently turned her head and sighed. The bottom of her palm was against her forehead. She looked very distracted. However, she looked up at Demetrius‘ eyes. Although he seemed pitiful, she still had to refuse him.

She couldn‘t stand it if Murray became jealous again.

“No, I have a meeting. I don‘t have time to show you around the city. You should go back to Wyvernholt as I said.”

“No!” Demetrius was excited, and he retorted, “I helped you and Murray in the hotel. You said that you owed me a favor. You can‘t go back on your word!”

Melissa was speechless for a moment. She did not even know how to answer Demetrius. After all, she did say so to him. In this case, she couldn’t refuse him.


a while, Melissa agreed, “Three days later, I will wait for you outside the

I have to work. You will disturb me and they will

a mild smile. But her heart was actually

Demetrius would return to

wanted to say something more, but he did not say it. Instead, he nodded happily. When he walked to the door, he waved to

“See you then!”

he could stay with Melissa alone, he

Murray knew this, he would probably be jealous

a child, whenever she mentioned this topic, her grandfather would put on a

vivid in her mind.

an hour to get to the Gibson

Melissa felt that there was a car following behind her. When she wanted to look at it carefully,

submerged in the traffic.

wondered if she

furrowed her brows. Suddenly, she had a bad feeling that something

arrived at

soon as she reached the gate, she heard several receptionists

heard about what happened between Ms.


Eugen likes

Ms. Eugen are a perfect

Demetrius is not bad. He

frowned and


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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