Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 504

Chapter 504 Disturb

“My man...”

Her words instantly pleased Murray.

He suddenly stood up, took a step forward, and sat down next to Melissa.

“What did you call me just now?” Murray raised his eyebrows and looked at Melissa with a half–smile.

Only then did Melissa realize that she had actually called him her man.

She thought, what‘s wrong with me?

How could I say that?

So embarrassing

Melissa blushed and whispered, “Nothing.”

“Is that so? I heard everything.” Murray chuckled.

He tilted his head and pressed his lips against Melissa‘s ear. “I like it. Say it again,” he said in a magnetic voice.

“You‘re so annoying...” Melissa pouted and glared at Murray.

Her shy but annoyed face was especially alluring in Murray‘s eyes.

Before Melissa could finish, Murray kissed her lips.

taste. It was still sweet and tempting, making Murray

unique scent from Murray

and could feel each

kissed her deeper and deeper, his hands touching her and moving


feeling slowly spread in

Melissa muttered, but she couldn‘t


and dark eyes shone brightly. Murray‘s big hands kept wandering on

as they were kissing with passion,

back to her senses and pushed Murray away, straightening up

Murray said sourly,

opened the door and entered. The first thing he

on the other hand, was

was filled with an

had just

Chapter 504 Disturb


once again

please read the document and sign your name.” Alex braced himself and walked

glanced at Alex coldly and signed his name on the document. “Get out!” he said in

see anything. I‘ll leave you to your business...” Having felt how sullen Murray was, Alex took the document and said

know what

It was so embarrassing.

Sebastian‘s villa in

in the room and stared at the time bomb in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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