Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 505

Chapter 505 Lost in Desire

Early the next morning, Harley rushed to the company,

They would film the MV today, so he went to the studio early.

By the time Harley entered the studio, Sylvia had already appeared in front of Harley with a cup of coffee.

Sylvia said with a bright smile, “Harley, today is the first day of filmning. I bought each one a coffee. This is specially ordered for you. I didn‘t add sugar.”

Sylvia understood Harley‘s taste so well that it provoked the suspicion of the crew. They began to discuss the relationship between Sylvia and Harley.

“Have you found that Sylvia and Harley seem to be close? They seem very familiar.”

“Yes. Sylvia came early in the morning to wait for Harley.”

Harley heard the gossip from the crew and recalled Nina‘s disappointing expression yesterday, so he deliberately kept his distance from Sylvia. Harley said, “Sylvia, 1 ate at home in the morning. Thanks.”

He shook his head slightly, indicating that he had rejected her.

Sylvia‘s face became dark. She bit her lips in jealousy and said, “Okay, then let‘s hurry up to read the script and start shooting.”

Harley nodded coldly and walked past Sylvia toward the filming site.

Throughout the filming process, Sylvia had been trying to get close to Harley or trying to make some physical contact with Harley. She even pretended to fall and wanted Harley to help her.

He looked coldly at Sylvia and did not say a word, pretending

scenes will be filmed then?” Harley changed his costume and asked

who had been ignoring her, Sylvia was puzzled. Yesterday, Harley was very enthusiastic, but today he simply ignored her.


Nina. Nina was not very pretty, and she was

on her pregnancy to shamelessly pester

family background, and talent, how could she not

firmly believed that as long as she put in more effort, she would

emotion here? I feel like I can‘t grasp it well no matter

he said indifferently, “You have to put more of your feelings into this part and try

deliberately approached him,

still smiled and said, “Thank

the script in her hand, her

the evening, Harley came back from the crew. He felt uncomfortable when he thought of

taken a shower and came downstairs. She asked softly, “You‘re back.

immediately pulled Nina

hands and hugged Nina

reached out to push Harley

they hugged and kissed each other, Nina still

tightly under him, saying, “Just once, okay? The doctor

had a one–night stand, Nina was pregnant and

then. Harley was so anxious that he felt uncomfortable. Looking at his lover in front of him, he could

said, gasping. He kissed Nina hard, and they hugged

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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