Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 510

Chapter 510 Tempted

“What’s the matter?”

Seeing that Vivian’s expression was a little unnatural, Arno asked with concern. At the same time, he also looked around. There should not be any paparazzi or media tracking them.

“It’s nothing, just a habit.” Vivian laughed.

However, the feeling of being followed by someone was faintly lingering in her mind. Vivian pursed her lips and thought to herself that perhaps she was too nervous.

After all, the security in this place was very good, and with the implementation of membership, the paparazzi should not be able to enter.

However, the feeling of hunger caught Vivian, and she stopped thinking about those things. If it was exposed, she could just clarify it. Anyway, she and Arno were just friends, and there would be no misunderstanding.

Walking into the restaurant, Vivian was attracted by the decoration inside. As expected of a place recommended by many people, the feeling was really good.

The waiter brought the two of them to the reserved private room. The large wall connected to the aquarium outside, and beautiful fish swam wantonly.

The night scene could be seen on the other side, and in such an environment, Vivian felt relaxed.

She appreciated the fish in the water with a smile.

“See what you want to eat,” Arno pushed the menu to Vivian and said with a smile.

“Then I won’t stand on ceremony.” Vivian grinned and ordered a few dishes recommended on the Internet.

the night scene and could not help but sigh, “It is really

long as you like it,”

and the atmosphere was not awkward. Instead, the two of them were

keep a certain distance from her, but she didn’t feel distant. Vivian felt like they were old friends. Even if they were silent,

looked at the exquisite food on the table. Although she was very hungry, she ate

Is it not to

actually prdered some dishes according to Vivian’s taste, but now he saw that she

hand. She cleared her throat and said with a smile, “No, it’s

looked at her

beautiful place, I think I should eat more gracefully,” Vivian pursed her lips

and the hearty laughter went into Vivian’s

laughing?” said Vivian,

gently at Vivian. “Because you are so

holding the fork paused, and her eyes

Try this. It’s delicious.” Arno shook his head helplessly and picked up some

food Arno had picked up. Her eyes

for such a long time.


really good.” Vivian

can come often,” Arno

won’t I be fat? I want to maintain my figure. That won’t do.” Vivian wrinkled

recently found several delicious restaurants. If you can’t go, I will take photos for you.” A trace of craftiness flashed through Arno’s

this, she pretended to flare up and said to Arno, “Okay, if you dare

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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