Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 511

Chapter 511 Vivian Is Kidnapped

Vivian thought, what is going on?

Vivian‘s heart skipped a beat, and before she could react, the boat capsized,

Arno subconsciously reached out to grab Vivian‘s hand, but unfortunately, he was a step too late. Vivian fell into the lake and he also fell into the water

In the early autumn night, the lake water was very cold,

That bone piercing chill, mixed with infinite fear, engulfed Vivian‘s entire body.

That was not the worst.

Vivian couldn‘t swim!

“Help...” Vivian shouted for help, but the water quickly drowned her.


When Vivian lost consciousness, she heard Arno‘s anxious voice.

When Vivian woke up again, she found herself tied to the bed.

The surrounding environment was extremely unfamiliar. Vivian immediately had a bad premonition, and her body couldn‘t help but begin to tremble.

Vivian only remembered that she and Arno were on the boat. She had no memories of what had

happened after she fell into the water. She wondered why she was tired up here.

She wondered if she was kidnapped.

The more Vivian thought about it, the more afraid she became. She did not dare to shout, and could only frantically struggle with her limbs. However, the rope on her body made everything she did seem to be in vain.

moment, footsteps came from outside the door. Fear gripped Vivian‘s heart. She held her breath

and several burly men walked in one after another.


clearly, Vivian paled with fright. Her

walked over with a smile. He reached out and touched

me! Jeremy! Let go of

glared at Jeremy. “You were the one

began to move down

You bastard!” Vivian had already guessed what Jeremy wanted to do. She shouted, her eyes already

to see you like this.” Jeremy grinned. He unbuttoned

wished she could chop off Jeremy‘s hand, but she still took a deep breath and

She had to find a way

snorted lightly. She seemed to

“Wait, Jeremy!”

he thought that Vivian was just struggling and

couldn‘t wait

can you let them go

people. I‘m not used to

see the men standing in the room. He could tell that the expression on those men‘s



them go out. It is convenient if there are only you and

this, Jeremy nodded, “You guys go out and guard the

men looked at each other and walked out. For a

continue,” Jeremy said as

contracted. She forced a smile at Jeremy.

want?” Jeremy lost his

It hurts


the door. I can‘t run away. Besides, if I‘m tied up like this and can‘t move at all, you won‘t like it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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