Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 526

Chapter 526 It Is a Trap

Murray frowned. Just as he was about to speak, he smelled a strange fragrance. He immediately lost consciousness and fainted.

He thought, it is a trap. This was the last thought he had before he fainted.

Michelle looked at the man who had fainted. She walked over and squatted down. Her fingertips caressed the side of Murray’s face, and she smiled. At this time, a few bodyguards walked out from the shadows. The Anglian bodyguard was holding the voice changer.

This was a trap that they had set up for Murray.

– Michelle deliberately pretended to be kidnapped. In fact, she wanted her bodyguard to call Murray in advance. She had already bought a plane ticket back to Wyvernholt. As long as she could have sex with Murray, then he would definitely marry her. At that time, the engagement with Melissa would naturally be in vain.

“Find his phone and throw it to the outskirts. Don’t let Melissa find out where he is.”

Michelle looked aside and whispered to the bodyguards behind her.

Murray was the only person she wanted and cared about from beginning to end.

When Murray woke up, it was already two hours later. He opened his eyes in a daze and saw the ceiling of the cabin. However, there was no strength in his body at all. He could not even lift his hand.

What was going on?

At this time, he heard a gentle female voice, “Murray, you’re finally awake.”

head and found that Michelle was completely fine. Besides, she was wearing a set of faintly discernible black underwear and stood in front of him. Even the long coat she


fingertips caressed Murray’s face, and even her body was sprayed with perfume. She lifted Murray’s

method, how can I see you and let you go back to Wyvernholt

the medicine effect had not faded, he had no strength at all. He could only turn his face away angrily, not looking at the woman

front of Murray. She took the man’s face in her hands and

destined to love. But why did you refuse me? Isn’t it good to be with me? I had no choice but to bring you back to Wyvernholt. It’s good for us to be together day and

shock and confusion. He did not understand why Michelle was so stubborn.

you before that I already have had a girlfriend named Melissa? We will be holding an engagement

Michelle was stunned, “What does that matter? Anyway, you will

person, and the methods used to threaten him were very mean. If he had known earlier, he should not have come to this

his cheek, earlobe, and lips. In short, she was doing everything she could. She also wanted to remove

better stop! If your father knew you were doing this, he would never forgive you. What are you

He could only curse Michelle in an attempt to wake her

anything now. The more Murray scolded, the more

Dad… If my dad sees me with you, he will

you. I want

In the Moonlight Mansion.

Murray’s call, but seeing that the clock on the wall indicated that the time was about to reach twelve o’clock, the phone still had not rung, Melissa was a little

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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