Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 527

Chapter 527 You Won’t Be Able to Escape

If Murray wasn’t in Boston, then why was his phone here? The last shift to Boston was eight o’clock. If someone wanted to take Murray away, the fastest time was tomorrow...

By the way, Michelle!

The name Michelle flashed through Melissa’s mind. Murray came to Boston to save Michelle. If Murray was gone, then the only person who would see him would be


After all, with Murray’s alertness, most people would not be able to hurt him. Perhaps this matter had the most direct relationship with Michelle.

Michelle originally wanted to take advantage of the fact that Murray did not have any strength to do everything she wanted. However, Murray had a strong will and refused to submit. Michelle was also very impatient, but not toward Murray. She felt that if she wasted any more time on this matter, the longer she delayed, the sooner Melissa would notice.

Since nothing happened now, it was better to tie Murray up and take him to Wyvernholt. The private plane was parked not far away and could leave at any time.

The bodyguards all turned around and went to the corner, trying not to pay attention to the movements here. Indeed, the little princess did not do anything.

Michelle paused, stood up, put on the sweater on the chair, and said indifferently to both sides, “Come here and tie up Murray. We will go straight to Wyvernholt when dawn breaks.”

“Let go of me, let go of me!”

Murray’s hands were tied tightly behind his back. Two strong bodyguards were holding him, and they also stood by Murray’s side, not letting him leave their range of sight.

“Murray, don’t struggle anymore. Listen to me and come back to Wyvernholt with me Let’s be together.” Michelle’s voice sounded very gentle, and there was a smile on her face. Her two slightly sharp little tiger teeth were revealed, but at this time, she looked like a little demon, which was annoying.

at Michelle in confusion. He did not understand why this woman was so obsessed with him. “Michelle, you are Adriel’s child. Your father and I are friends. From a fundamental point of

years older than me. You are

“And Melissa?”

It was obvious that she was unhappy. “Murray, why did you mention Melissa at

pursed his lips and looked at Michelle in confusion. He did not

to be like this.

time, Melissa received a call from Alex, “Ms. Eugen, we didn’t find Mr. Gibson! Could something

had completely calmed down at this time. She had already asked Anthony to check on Michelle’s specific location. The most important thing now was to call Alex. If Murray was really with Michelle, there


course, she did not want Michelle to become someone

I’ll send you a


would take off soon. She could also take Murray back to Wyvernholt, and it would be difficult for

at Murray, afraid that the man would run away. Murray also sat

the two bodyguards standing next to Murray also yawned. Murray tried to pay attention. The drug effect was also slowly decreasing. He looked up

have to work so hard, do you? I am tied up like this and can’t run. If you are

the time comes, you should run!” One of the bodyguards was so sleepy that he almost couldn’t open his


in his heart. He subconsciously moved his hand back, and in the end, he touched the edge of the pillar. It felt very sharp. At least when his fingertips touched it, he felt a

The opportunity came!

of the hemp rope tied around his wrist was against the pillar. He then moved up and down, wanting the rope

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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