Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 531

Chapter 531 Engagement Ceremony (1)

“It is really so troublesome for a celebrity.” Vivian rubbed her neck and asked, “By the way, was the clerk just now your friend?”

“What?” Arno was puzzled.

“When we were running, she even greeted you.” Vivian blinked.

Arno wanted to laugh and weep all at once. He couldn’t help but reach out and pinch Vivian’s cheek

“What are you doing?” Vivian, whose cheeks were being pulled, spoke rather vaguely.

“Just now, you directly dragged me out. The clothes and my card are left in the store. Even your clothes have not been paid for.”

As he spoke, Arno pointed at Vivian’s clothes that still had tags.

Vivian lowered her head and looked at the tags, extremely embarrassed.

“Then, what should we do? Should we go back and get them?” Vivian asked, her face awkward.

Arno said helplessly, “I’ll contact the workers in the mall and ask them to send our things to the parking lot.”

Vivian looked up at Arno, and then both of them laughed at the same time.

Suddenly, Vivian felt that such an experience was pretty good.

Ever since Ryleigh returned to Aldness, she had never gone out because it was inconvenient for her to show up. But Sebastian was helping her investigate Melissa.

Therefore, Melissa had encountered a lot of trouble recently. Such as, a flower pot was suddenly thrown down from a high altitude on her way… Melissa always encountered such dangers.

Melissa took the first two accidents as coincidences. But as time went by, Melissa couldn’t help but become suspicious. All of these things seemed to be coincidences, but it seemed like someone was deliberately targeting her. Who could it be?

not expect that Anthony would tell her a

was still calm. Had Ryleigh returned to Aldness? Ryleigh had just escaped from prison.

repeat it over the phone, Melissa was silent for a while before saying, “I see. Please keep an

colluded with Sebastian again. Maybe she wants to

Anson reminded Melissa kindly.

in a gentle voice, “Got it.

the more Melissa thought about it, the more uneasy she felt. Moreover, Melissa thought she must tell Murray that Ryleigh had

be held tomorrow. If Ryleigh appears, I

nodded, hoping that

that Murray had reserved, many people were busy arranging flowers and balloons, as well as the little dolls that represented the bridegroom and the bride. Everything was proceeding in an orderly

They were specially arranged by Alex in case Ryleigh would suddenly appear on the scene and cause

was not in a good mental

little worried, he was not afraid of Ryleigh. He just didn’t want anything to happen to ruin his engagement ceremony. He looked down

Alex came over and reported

and nodded. He seemed to have

the first time I’ve seen such a grand engagement ceremony.” The two waitresses were arranging the tables while

take a look at who

can I find such

Maybe you can have one in

as they were about to carry the trays away, a person came out of nowhere and bumped

hurriedly bowed and apologized. But when she looked up, she

and ignored the waiter. She lowered her head and continued walking

strange.” The waiter looked at the person’s back and

that moment, Alex and Murray walked over and

the engagement, Melissa was


in front of her. She couldn’t help but

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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