Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 532

Chapter 532 Engagement Ceremony (2)

Murray was wearing a custom-made suit, making his figure tall and straight. His hair was gathered at the back of his head, revealing his smooth forehead. When he saw Melissa come out, his eyes flashed with a trace of surprise.

“Why are you here...?” Melissa recovered and felt a little embarrassed.

“Melissa, you’re so beautiful.” Murray extended his hand towards Melissa, his deep voice slowly rippling out, making Melissa shy.

Melissa revealed a sweet smile. She placed her finger on Murray’s palm and was pulled into his embrace.

Melissa blinked her eyes. Her loose hair slid down and rested on her round shoulder.

“Ah, my hair…” Melissa was stunned and reached out to grab her hair. But Murray was faster than her.

His slender fingers passed through Melissa’s hair and gathered her soft hair to one side.

Then, Murray took out a box from his pocket. Inside was a necklace. He took out the necklace and carefully put it on Melissa.

Melissa looked at herself in the mirror, and her gaze fell on the necklace.

The design of the necklace was very simple. It somewhat did not match the luxurious dress on her body. However, the next second, Melissa seemed to have thought of something. She looked surprised.

“Is this…?” Melissa pinched the necklace with a surprised expression.

“You said you liked it very much.” Murray fondled Melissa’s hair lovingly.

Melissa was a little touched. The designer of this necklace was a very famous jewelry designer, Melissa had always liked his work. However, a few years ago, this designer announced his retirement. This necklace was the final design manuscript of the designer, but the designer had not finished its design.

Melissa once casually mentioned this designer before. She felt pity that the designer retired. She didn’t expect that Murray would…

“How did you get it?”

Get Bonus

at Murray in the mirror, her face full

gently kissed her fair neck. “I

her mind was gradually filled with happiness. She put her finger on the back of Murray’s hand and looked at their rings. Melissa turned her

“Thank you, Murray.”

to Melissa, his eyes glistening. His implication

standing outside the dressing room, secretly peeked through the crack of the door. She forcibly resisted the urge to

fingertips, feeling envious of Melissa and Murray. “They looked so

appeared in front of

breath. She looked at the woman in front of her with a mask and

hesitated for a moment, with a faraway look in her

all, Murray was in the dressing room with

she spoke, Fiona

the hem of her clothes and did not dare to look

reached out to pull the woman, but the woman

were shocked. Murray frowned and stood in

“Melissa! You slut!”


her mask, revealing

Looking at Ryleigh, Melissa


followed Ryleigh in, was shocked.

guys didn’t expect me to be able to come in, right?” Ryleigh

was heavily guarded. But it looks

to do?” Melissa showed an indifferent expression as if Ryleigh’s appearance

with Melissa’s expression. She gnashed her teeth

a group of bodyguards rushed in and surrounded Ryleigh

Murray’s face

panic at all. She grinned and suddenly took out a

raised her arm

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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