Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 534

Chapter 534 Engagement Ceremony (4)

Melissa blinked. She seemed to see something and broadened her smile.

Jaylin looked at Melissa’s smiling face in a daze. But the next second, Murray appeared and wrapped one arm around Melissa’s waist. The two of them leaned together intimately.

Jaylin could not bear to see this scene and his fingers holding the wine glass trembled slightly.

Murray seemed to have just noticed Jaylin at the side. His gaze swept indifferently across Jaylin’s face and left, holding Melissa’s hand.

Melissa nodded at Jaylin. Jaylin watched her leave and finally lowered his eyes. A bitter smile appeared on his face.

Jaylin wanted to leave, but he just couldn’t take another step.

His heart was filled with bitter feelings.

He had loved Melissa for three years.

But today, Melissa was engaged to another man.

Jaylin was going to lose her completely…

Jaylin drank down his alcohol in one gulp.

Murray held Melissa’s hand and brought her to the dance floor. With the soothing music, Melissa put her hand on Murray’s shoulder and they started to dance.

“Mr. Gibson, you haven’t invited me to dance yet,” Melissa tilted her head and winked playfully

Murray replied with a gentle pinch on Melissa’s waist, making her smile.

When she looked up, Melissa saw the engagement rings on their hands and felt like drearning

Melissa remembered when she first knew about the engagement.

And she recalled vividly when they first met.

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They hated each other at that time.

Since then, she and Murray had been through a lot of things and fallen in love. Now, they were finally engaged.

Murray and

with the person who loves you back was

in step. They were made for each

Melissa turned around and saw brilliant fireworks blooming

is this?” Melissa was

our engagement ceremony.” Murray raised his eyebrows. All his tenderness was saved for

Melissa looked at Murray in surprise. She had not expected that Murray would prepare

Murray would remember such small things she

of this, Melissa

fireworks lit up the night sky and Melissa’s face. She was beaming with a

it’s so

and turned to look at Murray. The cracking of fireworks was so loud that Melissa leaned

into his arms. “Melissa, I love

“I love you too.”


at them, Adela’s hands clenched


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could she be with

engaged, not married.

was seething with anger. One day, she would snatch

must get this outstanding man in

to a perfect close.

as if he wanted to

Murray pressed


water plants, wrapped around Murray’s neck. Melissa started

Murray kissed her even more

the masculine scent of Murray. Melissa’s mind was blank

an unknown period of time, Murray


not catch her breath. She pressed her

gently pinched Melissa’s jaw. The tips of their noses touched and their hot breath blended together. His hand slowly


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was burning with thirst, he still stopped

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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